Ramon Magsaysay Park description and photos - Philippines: Davao

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Ramon Magsaysay Park description and photos - Philippines: Davao
Ramon Magsaysay Park description and photos - Philippines: Davao

Video: Ramon Magsaysay Park description and photos - Philippines: Davao

Video: Ramon Magsaysay Park description and photos - Philippines: Davao
Video: Interesting Tribe Houses | Ramon Magsaysay Park | Davao City, Philippines 2024, June
Ramon Magsaysay Park
Ramon Magsaysay Park

Description of the attraction

Ramon Magsaysay Park - one of the most famous landmarks in Davao - bears the name of the former President of the Philippines Ramon Magsaysay, who died in 1957 in a plane crash on the island of Cebu. The park is often compared to Rizal Park in Manila. It houses several government buildings, including the Philippine Tourism Association and the Department of Foreign Affairs. And the townspeople love the park for its pleasant atmosphere, convenient location and accessibility. Various shows, performances and other entertainment events are often held here. All this attracts not only Davao residents to the park, but also numerous tourists.

The park offers a wonderful view of the Davao Bay and the Samal Islands on the horizon. In the very center of the park, there is a huge obelisk with a statue of President Magsaysay at its base, installed here in 1960. Not far away is the historic Santa Ana Pier, where the first ship with Japanese workers who came to Mindanao to engage in agriculture docked in 1903. Another interesting attraction of the park is the open-air chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Pilar.

On the alleys of the park you can always meet couples in love, families with children, groups of friends - for the convenience of visitors, there are several picnic areas here. Playgrounds are organized for children, teenagers will love the large stadium that can accommodate up to three thousand people, and the skate ring, and adults - a cozy restaurant where you can taste local delicacies. To services of visitors - a souvenir kiosk and a flower shop, where you can buy beautiful orchids and other exotic flowers. There is also a spacious and guarded parking lot for cars.

