Description of the attraction
The Patašić Palace is one of the most valuable Rococo monuments preserved in Varaždin. It was built in 1764 and has managed to preserve its original appearance during its long history. Even a serious fire in 1776 could not harm the palace.
The Patasic Palace was built by the richest merchant Daniel Praunsperger, a well-known patron of the arts in Varaždin. The building was built according to the advanced trends of the time. The first and second floors were built in the late Baroque style. Rococo elements are also noticeable in some parts of the cathedral.
Throughout its history, the palace passed from one owner to another, was bought, bequeathed, sued in litigation and inherited. Throughout the 18th century, the palace was the home of the Patasic family, this clan and their house have always been the center of the cultural and social life of the city. After the financial collapse of the Patasic family, the palace was taken over by the city and used for a variety of purposes.
During the last renovation in the 1990s, beautiful wall paintings were discovered. The murals have survived on the first and second floors of the building and date back mainly to the 18th century. They depict scenes from the history of Varaždin.
Above the entrance to the palace, there is the symbol "God's eye". The windows of the palace are unique in their own way; they offer an incredible view of Gundulich Street and Franciscan Square. On one of the buildings on the territory of the palace, the emblem of a turtle has been preserved. Trade establishments were marked with this symbol.