Description of the attraction
Odessa Numismatics Museum is the first of its kind in Ukraine museum of a new type, which is dedicated to the history of monetary affairs in Ukraine. In 1991, the first exposition entitled "Mint" was opened in Odessa, later in 1999 on its basis a "museum of numismatics" was created. Today the museum has two separate branches, each of which is characterized by interesting and informative exhibitions that are worth visiting for both adults and children. So along Grecheskaya Street there is an extensive exhibition of medieval coins, here you can also see old and new banknotes of Ukraine. And the gallery on Ekaterininskaya Street boasts a rich collection of antique and modern coins, an exposition of small art ceramics from the Black Sea region and Kievan Rus.
In total, the museum collection includes up to 2.5 thousand coins and other various exhibits, from antiquity to the collections of the last years of independent Ukraine. Of particular interest are the coins that were minted for thousands of years in various cities of the Bosporus kingdom. These are rare and unique specimens.
The principle of organizing the museum is also interesting. This is the so-called "people's museum", that is, it was founded exclusively on the money of benefactors, not a single hryvnia was spent from the state treasury. The founder was the Odessa City Society of Collectors - one of the oldest and most extensive in Odessa. All museum workers are volunteers, people who work on a voluntary basis. And the entrance to the museum is free.