Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore description and photos - Belarus: Baranovichi

Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore description and photos - Belarus: Baranovichi
Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore description and photos - Belarus: Baranovichi
Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore
Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore

Description of the attraction

The Baranovichi Museum of Local Lore was opened in October 1929 at the initiative of L. Tursky. The work of the museum has been repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR, in 2004 the museum was recognized as the best in the Brest region.

Unfortunately, we cannot now familiarize ourselves with the pre-war exhibits of the museum, since all of them were looted during the Nazi occupation. During the post-war years, a lot of work has been done, thanks to which the museum now presents interesting collections on archeology, ethnography, the history of the region, its material and spiritual culture.

The exposition of the museum includes more than 2000 exhibits presented in seven halls. The first two halls introduce the natural resources of the Baranovichi region: flora and fauna of rivers, lakes, swamps, forests and fields, as well as environmental problems and measures taken to combat them.

The following rooms show us archaeological finds in a historical sequence: the primitive communal system, the times when Baranovichi was part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Commonwealth and the Russian Empire. Further, the exposition acquaints us with Baranovichi during the Soviet regime, during the Great Patriotic War and the struggle against the subsequent devastation. The last, seventh hall introduces us to the history of the city in the post-Soviet period as part of the Republic of Belarus.

In the exhibition halls of the museum, interesting exhibitions of works of fine art, graphics, sculpture, and folk crafts are constantly held. Exhibitions of artists, sculptors, embroiderers, bead-weavers, lace-makers are held. The museum holds interesting presentations, lectures, meetings with artists, master classes on various types of applied arts. Exhibits from museum funds of other countries are exhibited: Russia, India, China, Czech Republic, Japan.

