Addenbrooke's Hospital description and photos - UK: Cambridge

Addenbrooke's Hospital description and photos - UK: Cambridge
Addenbrooke's Hospital description and photos - UK: Cambridge
Clinic Addenbrook
Clinic Addenbrook

Description of the attraction

Addenbruck Hospital is an internationally recognized hospital in Cambridge, UK as a research and training center.

This is one of the oldest medical and educational institutions - it was founded in 1766 on the behest of Dr. John Addenbrook, a professor at the University of Cambridge, who left 4,500 pounds sterling for the foundation of the hospital. For more than 200 years, the clinic existed in a building on Trumpington Street, and only in 1976 it moved to the southern part of the city and became part of the Cambridge Biomedical Center, which for a long time was called New Addenbrook. The Old Addenbrook building now houses a business school.

The clinic is run by a trust that is not part of the University of Cambridge, but there is a long-standing relationship and close collaboration between the university and the hospital. The university's medical school is also based in Addenbrook.

The clinic provides the widest range of medical services in a wide variety of fields of medicine: transplantation, neurology, rare cancers, maxillofacial surgery and much more. Rosie's Hospital adjoining Addenbrook specializes in maternity, obstetrics and gynecology. It is planned to build a Children's Medical Center next to Rosie's Hospital.

Every two years, the Addenbrook clinic holds an open day, when anyone can visit with a guided tour those parts of the clinic where access is usually closed, from the roof of the building to the operating rooms and the morgue.

