Description of the attraction
Hidirlik Tower is one of the most mysterious sights of the city of Antalya. A building made of reddish-brown stone is located at the intersection of Hidirlyk and Khesapchi streets, in the southeastern outskirts of the Kaleici quarter near Karaalioglu park. The tower rises above the southern part of the city bay.
The architectural features of the tower indicate that its construction began in the 2nd century AD, when the region was inhabited by the Romans. Its true purpose still remains one of the mysteries. Today there are several versions of the purpose of the tower. Some scientists argue that the structure played the role of a lighthouse, because due to its location, it is very clearly visible from the sea and could serve as a landmark. In addition, from this place you can clearly see which ships are entering the harbor. Other historians tend to think that the building was defensive. The tower is located on a rock and could be a bastion to protect the city. More recently, it has been hypothesized that the tower was the tomb of a Roman official and his family. Scientists were prompted to this idea by a huge stone block of a square shape, which is located inside the tower, and the architecture of the tower is very reminiscent of Roman mausoleums. Remains of frescoes have been preserved on the inner walls, judging by these fragments, the tower was used for religious purposes during the Byzantine period.
The height of the structure is about 13.5 meters. The walls of the tower are built of large stone blocks. According to ancient descriptions of this tower, the roof was previously gabled and may have been demolished during the Byzantine Empire during reconstruction. Traces of restoration work from the era of the Seljuks and Ottomans are still preserved in the upper part of the tower. The massive tower has a square base and a cylindrical top. The entrance to the building is from the east side. Behind a rectangular door is a small hall with a narrow staircase that leads to the second floor.
Hidirlik is rightfully considered one of the outstanding architectural finds on the entire coast of Antalya. This building is striking in its grandeur and majesty. In addition, the tower offers a delightful view of the sea and the surrounding area. Today, the Hidirlik Tower is surrounded by restaurants and cafes with panoramic views of the Antalya Bay, and a small theater is open within its walls.