Vodnikov hospital description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov

Vodnikov hospital description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Vodnikov hospital description and photos - Russia - Volga region: Saratov
Hospital of water workers
Hospital of water workers

Description of the attraction

From 1819 to 1825, a stone church was being built to replace the dilapidated wooden one built in 1769. At first, the Church of the Savior-Not-Made-by-Hands stood on Tsaritsynskaya Street (because it served as a continuation of the Tsaritsynsky tract), but after the construction of a new stone structure designed by the architect G. V. Petrov, the church was increasingly called Sergievsky (in the name of the miracle worker Sergius of Radonezh). Soon, the street on which the temple was located began to be called Sergievskaya (now Chernyshevsky). Like many other religious objects in Saratov, the temple was dismantled in the mid-1930s, but the almshouse built during his reign survived, which is now a historical architectural monument. Today on the site of the temple is the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, famous for its achievements throughout the country.

The author of the project of the almshouse with a large and bright hall for spiritual folk readings and the parish library-reading room was the architect P. M. Zybin. The building for the orphan and the poor was built on donations from P. S. Milovidov during two construction seasons. By 1911, the building of the almshouse was built and illuminated, having received the status of the Sergievskaya parish almshouse named after P. S. Milovidov.

With the onset of Soviet times, the building was taken over by the Vodzdravotdel, which set up a polyclinic and a hospital for workers of the local river port here, the people used to call it - a hospital for water workers. The purpose of the building of the former almshouse from the 30s, serving the workers of water transport, has not changed anymore.

