Description of the attraction
In Seville, on Calle de Alfonso XII, there is the Museum of Fine Arts. This museum, which houses the largest collection of paintings by Spanish artists, from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century, is the second largest museum in Spain after the famous Prado Museum in Madrid.
The museum began its existence in 1839. It is housed in a building that previously housed the monastery of the Order of the Mercedaria (the full name is the Order of the Virgin Mary of Mercy for the ransom of prisoners). The monastery was founded by Saint Pedro Nolasco on land donated to the order by King Ferdinand III. The building is made mainly in the style of Andalusian Mannerism.
The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville has managed to collect an amazing collection of paintings by artists who worked in the so-called golden age of Seville painting. These are the works of such outstanding masters as Murillo, Zurbaran, Francisco de Herrera and others. Among the many true masterpieces of fine art, I would like to note the "Portrait of the son of Jorge Manuel" by El Greco, "Madonna Doloros" ("Madonna of the Sorrows"), "Immaculate Conception", "St. Anthony of Padua and Child", "Saints Justine and Rufina", " The Most Pure Virgin and Child "by Murillo," Calvary "by Lucas Cranach and others.
Currently, the museum is being reorganized, for this reason, only two halls remained open to visitors: the main hall housed canvases dating from the 15-17 centuries, and in the small hall, works of the 18-20 centuries were collected.