Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod" description and photo - Russia - Central district: Myshkin

Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod" description and photo - Russia - Central district: Myshkin
Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod" description and photo - Russia - Central district: Myshkin
Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod"
Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod"

Description of the attraction

Museum of unique technology "Myshkinsky Samokhod" has a rich collection of agricultural, cars, trucks and motorcycles, including the pre-war "lorry", and the wartime worker ZIS-5, and the "Russian black funnel" and the front-line ally - VILLIS and others. The technique is presented here very different, you can even see river ships. There is also a lot of unusual technology: a steam locomotive, an aircraft turbine, a sausage and lemonade machines of the 19th century. Many of the exhibits presented in the museum can be touched, some can be seen in action, and some you can even experience yourself - sitting behind the wheel and levers, ordering a demonstration of cars in action.

The Museum of Unique Technology received its status and name in 2005. This event was preceded by a difficult and painstaking work on the creation and restoration of funds, which today constitute a unique and multifaceted collection of evidence of the development of engineering thought.

The collection of exhibits, which later served as the basis for the formation of the collection of the Museum of Technology, began by Nikolai Vladimirovich Lushin in 1996 on the basis of the Myshkin National Museum. This initiative was supported by the council of founders of the National Museum "Myshkin Local History Club".

In 1998, the collection was named "an exposition of ancient technology". At that time, it consisted of 80 storage units, including 7 retro vehicles. The exposition of technology organically supplemented the collection of the Myshkinsky People's Museum. In the same year, a festival of retro technology called "Samokhod" was held.

During the formation of the exposition, public employees of the museum during search expeditions found and rescued many future exhibits in the Yaroslavl and neighboring regions, which later made it possible to create the only museum of unique technology in the Yaroslavl region, which broadly represents the history of technology, from agricultural units and cars to telecommunication devices and river vessels.

In 2001, the collection of unique equipment was officially registered as a structural subdivision of the People's Museum "Exposition of Ancient Technology". At this time, the collection consisted of about 150 exhibits. Especially in these years, the collection of telecommunication devices, as well as old household appliances (radios, telephones, televisions, etc.), expanded. The favorite direction of the museum staff was auto and motor vehicles. As part of the celebration of the city's day, interregional festivals of retro technology are regularly held. At this time, a circle of lovers of retro technology was organized, which became an unofficial club. Volunteers from Yaroslavl and Rybinsk constantly come here, local youth also participate.

In 2005-2006, there was a real breakthrough in the activities of "Samokhod". Museum staff actively participated in local and regional events. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Victory, a parade of front-line equipment was held, in which more than a dozen war-time vehicles with their drivers in military uniform of that time participated. They participated in the entire festive program, adding color to it. The 7th festival of retro technology "Samokhod" was also held under the sign of the 60th anniversary of the Victory.

Since 2006, active construction of the buildings of the Museum of Technology has begun to accommodate technical expositions. In the same year, retro technology took part in two events in Yaroslavl: in the ceremonial graduation of officers of the military financial and economic institute and in "Auto-break in Levtsovo", where the museum presented auto and motor vehicles from 1940-50s.

A significant event in the life of the museum was the participation in the eighth festival of retro technology, which was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the People's Museum, in which more than 30 pieces of technology from 4 regions participated.

