Theft or souvenir: what tourists pick up from hotels

Theft or souvenir: what tourists pick up from hotels
Theft or souvenir: what tourists pick up from hotels
photo: Theft or souvenir as a keepsake: what tourists take from hotels
photo: Theft or souvenir as a keepsake: what tourists take from hotels

Have you ever admired the design of the hotel room where you stayed? To regret that you do not have such a picture at home as in this issue? Imagine how hotel curtains would look on your window? It happened to everyone. Moreover, many people take something from hotel rooms. Most often they take little things, just as a keepsake. And here it is important to know what exactly can be taken and what cannot be touched in any case.

What can you most often take


Did you like the hotel shampoo? Washes hair well? Or maybe it just has a pretty package? Take it to your health. And along with it, you can grab soap. No one will cry about all this. If there is still room in the bag, take the hotel slippers. Homes come in handy: for guests, for example. And next to them, you can safely pack a shower cap.

Even if you do not want to take all of the above with you, after your departure it will be thrown away. After all, all these items were designed for only one guest. In the same way as sewing accessories - thread with a needle. Or as accessories for shoe cleaning. Take it boldly, do not hesitate.

And if you decide to take a pen as a souvenir of your stay at the hotel, they will also thank you. Of course, this is not a doorknob. We mean a stationery - a pen with a hotel logo. Take it and use it to your health. This is how you advertise the hotel. After all, if you are asked: "What is this logo on the handle?", You will tell about the hotel.

And in addition to all the above, take the bag of sugar left over after your tea drinking. Believe me, no one will miss him.

What can not be taken

The list of what you can't take is very long. Some of these items are:

  • curtains;
  • towels;
  • vases;
  • houseplants;
  • carpets;
  • bathrobes;
  • pillows;
  • paintings.

There are a number of other items that cannot be removed from the room.

Is there much of this list that seems obvious to you? Would you consider taking your pillow from the hotel? Wouldn't you encroach on the carpet? Unfortunately, not all tourists feel the same way as you. There are cases when blankets, TVs, mattresses disappeared from the rooms …

What unusual took

A strange incident happened in a Moscow hotel. One of the guests suddenly went limp. With a slow gait, with a stiff leg, he walked past the hotel guard … Such an unexpected limp aroused vague suspicions in the guard. The guest was stopped. The cause of the limp was … a hotel cornice. It was stolen and hidden in the leg.

In another hotel in the capital, a blackout curtain was stolen. The staff hung up a new curtain to replace the missing one. Six months later, she was also stolen. It turned out that in both cases people with the same surname stayed in the room. In the first case, it was a man, in the second, a woman. They were obviously a married couple. And the curtains, apparently, adorned the matrimonial bedroom.

But these are all little things. One Canadian hotel really had problems: they stole … a piano. And at first no one noticed anything. The thieves changed into overalls and calmly took the tool out into the street. When everyone realized it, it was already too late.

In an American hotel, a guest industriously carved out a large piece of carpet and took it with him. In a German hotel, one of the guests stole a toilet seat. Perhaps it was very convenient. Together with him, the guest grabbed a shower head and a couple of taps. He did not disdain the sink either.

Sometimes I really want to leave something as a keepsake of a wonderful vacation. This desire is quite understandable. But before picking up anything from the hotel, make sure it is allowed. Otherwise, serious problems can arise. You can be fined or even arrested.
