Captain of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov": a cruise is always an adventure

Captain of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov": a cruise is always an adventure
Captain of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov": a cruise is always an adventure

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photo: Captain of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov": a cruise is always an adventure!
photo: Captain of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov": a cruise is always an adventure!

Cruise navigation of 2020 will officially start in Russia on April 27. There are many professions on the river, but perhaps one of the most romantic, famous and popular is the captain. And how many literary works are dedicated to these brave, confident people! And today, a little less than 2 months before the start of navigation, we are talking with the captain of the ship "Dmitry Furmanov" of the Cruise company "Sozvezdie" Peter Lipin … We are talking about life, work, the upcoming season and professional secrets.

Petr Maksimovich, you have been in command of river vessels for more than 20 years. Please remember your first day at work. Did you immediately realize that the ships are yours?

- There were no doubts. I knew exactly where I was going. I like this job, and I can't even imagine myself in another area.

Do your children continue the dynasty?

- No. It would be more correct to say that I am continuing the work of my grandfather and great-grandfather. More than a hundred years ago, my great-grandfather worked as a captain on a barge that sailed along the Volga. And my grandfather was associated with the navy, so my choice of profession is predictable.

Have you ever had a desire to leave the profession? If so, in what field could you work?

- No, there was no such desire, I knew for sure that I wanted to work in the navy. But if you think about it, I could still teach.

Unexpectedly, what exactly?

- One of my education is pedagogical. And sometimes I work in winter as a mentor, teaching navigation. I like to pass on experience. I would definitely make a good teacher. But this is more of a hobby. In general, I like to develop, to raise the level of my knowledge and skills.

What ships do you prefer to fly?

- Anyone. For 18 years I managed three-deck motor ships, then I wanted to go to a new level - I improved my skills and knowledge, moved to work on a four-deck motor ship. In general, there is no difference, but larger vessels are more automated.

“The captain on board is the most important person. Has it ever happened that when you met, tourists asked for an autograph or wanted to be photographed with you?

- Yes, it often happens. People have always been interested in the fleet, and now we see that this interest is only growing.

Are you generally open to communication with tourists?

- Everything should be in place. If I am free and not on duty, and the work is proceeding normally, of course I am open to communication. I will talk and take pictures with pleasure. I have a good memory for faces, I always recognize our regular tourists and am glad to exchange impressions of the cruise with them.

What is the ideal tourist for you?

- First of all, this is the guest who will return.

Have there been any funny situations in your practice? Remember the brightest and most unusual passenger …

- There are many stories, I will not tell about our tourists. I'll tell you about a guest from Germany. We stood in Kizhi, announced the landing. The flight was from St. Petersburg to Moscow. And then a tourist from Germany came on board with a request for help, explained that she had lagged behind her ship, which had left earlier that day. Her husband remained on it, as well as money and documents. We contacted that ship, warned that their tourist was with us and agreed where we would make an "exchange". According to the schedule, the crossing was to take place only 3 days later in the Yaroslavl region. The grandmother was accommodated and fed. After 3 days we stopped in Rybinsk, and her ship in Yaroslavl. Our cruise director took the tourist by taxi to a nearby town to pass it on to her husband. We do not abandon anyone and are ready to help out in any situation. The family was reunited, however, they say, the husband rested to the fullest without his grandmother.

You have been working on this ship for a long time … Surely he has some kind of affectionate nickname?

- No, we do not use diminutive words in relation to the ship. Only respectfully and honorably. Sometimes - Dmitry Andreevich.

In what situations?

- Now we are working in the North-West, where morning fogs occur and sometimes such that even a few meters ahead you can not see anything. Or strong winds on Ladoga … At such moments, when you need to be as collected as possible, I can say: “Dmitry Andreevich, we must! Do not let me down.

How do you prefer to rest? Do you go on cruises?

- I don't go on cruises. On vacation, you want to change the scenery. I can get out to sea for a week. But most of all I love hunting and fishing. I am leaving for my little house of the forester and I can spend a week there in silence.

Is hunting a passion for you and a desire to return with prey, or is the process itself interesting?

- Now the process itself, before, of course, I wanted to see the result.

You are in great shape, - is there time for sports on the boat?

- Sport is very important in my life. As an organized person, I start my day with exercise every day. Moreover, we work in a confined space, there is little movement and, in order to feel good, training is required.

In addition to sports, how do you switch attention? Television?

- On TV, most often I watch the news. I believe that everyone should be aware of what is happening in the country and the world. I like Soviet films more. You look at that life and you understand how naive people were. Nostalgia…

Navigation of the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov" lasts 5 months. Doesn't it get bored?

- No, how can it get bored? Beauty on the river. And the food on the ship is delicious, besides, the dishes on the menu do not repeat for more than 20 days. I like everything.

What are your favorite dishes from the menu of the ship's restaurant?

- I love fish, and they cook it very tasty on the boat. I like borscht. Of course, I myself can cook soup during the inter-navigation period, but I can't get it as tasty as on board.

What is the difference between the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov" from other cruise ships?

- First of all, this is the region of navigation. And, of course, the cabin fund. This motor ship is the only one in the North-West region to have cabins with a balcony. Travelers have already appreciated the degree of comfort and the fact how great it is to have your own “exit” to the river, a separate space that allows you to fully enjoy your vacation.

Do you have favorite routes and those that can be classified as particularly difficult?

- There is no beloved, everything is interesting to me. Difficulties can be everywhere, on any route. Yes, and the region in which we are working now is harsh in itself. There may be different factors. For example, wave and wind, which I talked about a little earlier.

What parking areas do you like?

- I fell in love with Balaam. It's beautiful and quiet there. Fresh air. There is a lot of bustle in the cities.

During the navigation period, there is a daily change of landscape, new cities, but in winter the ships go to the backwater, where they undergo maintenance and modernization. Can you call this work less beloved?

- No, I don't take it that way. This part of the job is important for me. After all, we ourselves carry out the repair work, and I personally check everything. The safety of our guests and ourselves depends on how we prepare the ship in the backwater.

Petr Maksimovich, what do you expect from navigation in 2020? What trips will become the leaders of the season, in your opinion?

- For me, the most important thing is safety, trouble-free operation of the ship. And, of course, so that our guests are satisfied with the trip and be happy.

In the upcoming navigation the motor ship "Dmitry Furmanov" of the Cruise company "Sozvezdie" will make 34 voyages and 30 of them will leave St. Petersburg.

The Leningrad Region is the record holder for the development of infrastructure for cruise travel in our country. Organized over the past 2, 5 years, parking in the North-West region attracts more and more travelers. And this year tourists are looking forward to cruises with calls to Shlisselburg, Staraya Ladoga, a new pier in Konevets. New parking lots are always great, because the routes are becoming more interesting, which means more and more tourists choose cruises as a form of recreation.

Cruises visiting Valaam and Kizhi are very popular. These trips are incredibly enriching, give new knowledge, show the country from a special side.

What is the secret of the popularity of cruises, in your opinion?

- How not to love them?.. Rest on the water relaxes, recharges, restores. Beautiful nature around, there is time to read, be with your family or your thoughts. In general, a cruise is a real adventure! The motor ship for us and for our guests is like a home, where it is always warm and cozy.
