What to see in Santo Domingo

What to see in Santo Domingo
What to see in Santo Domingo
photo: Santo Domingo
photo: Santo Domingo

Santo Domingo is the hospitable capital of the sunny Dominican Republic, an amazing place with a huge number of interesting sights. The historical center of the city has been protected by UNESCO for several decades - there are many historical and architectural monuments here.

So, what are the city attractions to go first, what to see in Santo Domingo?

Top 10 attractions in Santo Domingo

Columbus lighthouse

Columbus lighthouse
Columbus lighthouse

Columbus lighthouse

The main attraction of the country. A huge structure, inside of which - in a sarcophagus, under the guard of honor of the guards - are the remains of Christopher Columbus, the famous Spanish navigator.

If you look at this architectural landmark from above, its shape resembles a cross, and from the side, the structure looks like an Indian pyramid. The building is over 30 m high, about 45 m wide, and over 300 m long. Searchlights are installed on the roof. There are more than one and a half hundred of them. Their rays form a huge cross, which is perfectly visible even from afar.

This magnificent building was erected in the early 90s of the XX century. It took 6 years to build, several tens of millions of dollars were spent on the construction. Many countries took part financially in the construction of the monumental structure. Among them was Russia.

There is no consensus among historians as to whose remains lie within the walls of this magnificent building. There are versions that the great navigator actually found his last refuge in Spain or even Cuba. But Dominican historians give the most compelling arguments in favor of the fact that the remains of the man who discovered America rests precisely in the capital of their country.

Columbus palace

Columbus palace

It was built for the son of a famous navigator. During the construction of the building, blocks of coral reefs were used; the palace was erected without a single nail. The building was built by Indians - the indigenous inhabitants of these places. The owner of the palace did not live in it for long - 7 years, and then left the country. The building was empty. The palace was soon plundered.

The monument of history and architecture has been restored relatively recently. It was never possible to restore its original appearance: once there were one and a half hundred rooms in the palace, today there are just over 20. In them you can see objects from the era when the owner of the palace still lived in these rooms. These are antique dishes, paintings and manuscripts, dark wood furniture … If you notice a bed that is too short, do not be surprised and do not think that dwarfs lived in the house - just once the representatives of the European nobility liked to sleep half-sitting, it was considered good for health.

The palace is located in the historical part of the city, which is under the protection of UNESCO.




It was built in the first half of the 16th century. The construction work lasted for about 30 years. The building became the first American cathedral. The architects used golden coral limestone as a building material. The architectural style of the cathedral is difficult to define unambiguously. Here there are Gothic and Baroque motifs, and the plateresque style with its numerous decorative elements …

The cathedral houses many valuable artifacts, from silver dishes to ancient wooden statues, from jewelry to a rich collection of furniture.

The cathedral is located on the territory of the historical part of the city, protected by UNESCO since the 90s of the XX century.

National Palace

National Palace

Residence of the President and Vice President of the country. Built in the 40s of the XX century. The majestic marble building is designed in the neoclassical style. Several million pesos were spent on its construction. Construction work lasted for about 3 years.

Previously, on the site of the palace, there was the Presidential Mansion, built at the beginning of the 20th century - at a time when the country was occupied by American troops. The mansion was later demolished. The new building has become one of the symbols of the strength and independence of the country.

The palace can be visited as part of one of the excursions that are held here regularly. If you decide to do this, you will see that the interiors of the palace, in strict sophistication, are in no way inferior to its appearance. On the first floor there are office premises, on the second there are offices of the heads of the country's executive authorities and a large reception room, and on the third there are several magnificent halls.

Las Damas street

Las Damas street
Las Damas street

Las Damas street

Located in the historic center of the city. First Street of the Americas: Built at the beginning of the 16th century. It is believed that it arose thanks to the wife of the son of Christopher Columbus. Although historians have not found any evidence to support this information, the version about such an origin of the street is very popular. Usually they tell the following story: the daughter-in-law of the great navigator, together with other noble ladies, arrived in the city and saw an incredibly dusty, dirty semblance of a street that connected the fortress and a number of other buildings. The lady was horrified, because she brought with her a lot of fashionable shoes and long dresses!

Especially for her and for other noble ladies, the street was paved with stone. Now fashionistas could stroll here, showing off their gorgeous outfits and elegant shoes.

Today tourists from different countries of the world walk along the street. Anyone who is interested in history, who wants to feel the atmosphere of the past centuries, should definitely visit here! On this street, which is already a historical landmark in itself, there are several monuments of history and architecture - the Pantheon, the Osama fortress and other famous buildings.

Casa del Cordon

Casa del Cordon

The building was built in the 16th century. Located in the historical part of the city. Originally it belonged to the conquistador, one of the associates of the famous Columbus. The son of the great navigator and his family also stayed here.

At the end of the 16th century, the building for some time became the residence of the pirate Francis Drake, who captured the city and controlled it for a month. The pirate's gang captured all the men in the city. The townspeople had to pay a huge ransom for the captives. At the door of the house where the leader of the pirates settled, women lined up to give the leader of the gang all their jewelry.

Today the historic building houses a bank. You can inspect only one of its internal premises - the main lobby (if you come here for currency exchange or other financial transactions).

House Tostado

House Tostado
House Tostado

House Tostado

Another attraction of the historical part of the city. The building was built at the beginning of the 16th century. At that time, it was one of the most luxurious city houses.

Today it houses a museum, the expositions of which are devoted to the life of Dominican families of the 19th century. There are old photographs, various interior items, paintings by famous artists - all this belonged to families living in different parts of the country, and was donated to the museum.

Los Tres Ojos caves

Los Tres Ojos caves

A cave system located in the national park of the same name. The imagination of even those tourists who have already traveled to many countries and have seen many natural beauties is amazing. Under the arches of these huge caves, the Indians once made sacrifices - this place was considered sacred. Today it has been turned into a tourist attraction; the attraction can be visited any day of the week, except Monday, which is a day off.

There are three lakes in the caves, different in color and composition of water. In one of them, the water is fresh, crystal clear. In another, it is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, which is why it has a yellow-green color. The third lake is distinguished by the increased salinity of the waters; powerful stalactites hang over it.

Once it was possible to swim in the lakes, but now tourists are prohibited from doing this. The reason was a large number of accidents: bathers were often injured. Today you can ride a boat on the lake waters - it is completely safe.

National botanical garden

National botanical garden
National botanical garden

National botanical garden

Here, on an area of several square kilometers, almost all types of native plants are represented (the local flora is distinguished by an amazing variety, characteristic of a tropical humid climate).

The garden is divided into several thematic sectors. One of the most interesting and beautiful is the water one. On the territory of the garden there are more than a hundred reservoirs; here you can see several dozen species of aquatic plants. Another sector is completely devoted to orchids. Hundreds of these stunningly beautiful flowers grow here. Part of the garden is a real jungle. They look wild and impassable, but in fact, in the thick of lush greenery, there are convenient paths for visitors to the garden.

Separately, it should be said about the Japanese sector and the rock garden. Miniature trees and gazebos decorated in oriental style will impress even the most picky aesthetes.

Another attraction of the garden is a huge clock, the dial of which consists of flowers. This whole composition is surrounded by a picturesque pond.

It is best to explore the diverse sights of the botanical garden from the carriage of a special train that runs throughout its territory. They begin their movement from the entrance to the garden.

Mirador del Sur park

Mirador del Sur park

This place is equally popular with tourists and locals alike. The eponymous avenue runs through the park. Twice a day, car traffic on it is blocked: this is the time for runners and roller skaters, cyclists and yoga lovers. They fill all park paths, they can be seen everywhere - both under the crowns of trees, and in open spaces … You can observe such a picture in the park in the morning and in the evening. The prospectus is closed for a total of approximately 5 hours a day. It is during these hours that the park has the most visitors.

In general, the park is never empty. There are fairs, concerts, festivals … On the territory of the park there are stalactite caves, in one of which the Indians once lived or held religious ceremonies. Now there is a club in this cave, every evening young people gather here and a disco begins. There is a restaurant in another cave nearby.

