France is the largest and most touristy of the Western European countries. Its southern coast is ideal for travelers who prefer the subtropics, in the west of the country you can enjoy the oceanic climate, and the center and east of France - for lovers of summer heat and relatively cold winters.
France is the most visited country not only in Europe, but throughout the world, and the Eiffel Tower (a visiting card of Paris) ranks first in popularity among world attractions. It is only slightly inferior to Versailles, the Parisian catacombs, the Ideal Palace of the postman Cheval and many other sights of France. Still, one of the main factors attracting millions of tourists to the country is the French national cuisine. So what is worth trying in France?
Food in France
French cuisine is so diverse that it is very difficult to give a brief description of it. The ingredients that make up her dishes are simple, but their combinations are unusual and sophisticated, and sometimes only professional chefs can do the cooking.
Some believe that French cuisine consists of recipes that can be divided into two types - folk (regional) and aristocratic (created at the court of the Bourbons). Others, speaking of French cuisine, highlight the differences between the cuisines of the country's regions. So, in Corsica they like to cook dishes from wild pigs, vegetable soup is popular there, while in Occitania they grill mussels and make strong red wine.
Wines of various varieties are produced almost throughout the country. In this the French have no equal. In France, there are not only ancient traditions of winemaking, but also a culture of wine consumption. This or that dish is served only with a certain type of wine, which best suits your taste. Wines are included in some dishes, as well as in many sauces (of which the French invented a huge number).
Eating food for the people of France is a whole ritual that should be unhurried and take place at a beautifully served table. That is why there are practically no fast food establishments in the country.
There are several common myths about French cuisine. So, tourists believe that the French are crazy about frog legs. The truth is that many people in France have never tasted this dish in their lives. Today it is even difficult to find a French restaurant or cafe where frog legs would be served. Another myth: a Frenchman's morning begins with coffee and a croissant. The truth is that for breakfast, people in France eat the same thing as most of the world's population - sandwiches. And then they rush to work.
Top 10 French Cuisine
Onion soup

Onion soup
The ingredients in this dish are broth, onions, cheese and croutons. The onions are sieved in a special way, which requires not only culinary skill from the chef, but also patience. This procedure can take several hours. Accelerated passivation can be completed in half an hour, but then the taste and aroma of the dish will no longer be the same.
It is a type of mushroom that is considered a delicacy. They are sometimes referred to as the "black diamonds of cooking". In France, truffles are used as an independent dish. They have a mushroom flavor with a touch of walnuts or roasted seeds. If the truffles taste like soy sauce, then they were kept in water for a while before serving.
Rooster in wine
Classics of French cuisine. There are several options for preparing this dish, each of the wine-growing regions of France uses its own recipe. But for the first time this dish was prepared in Burgundy, and therefore the Burgundy recipe is considered the most correct. In order to prepare a Burgundy dish, you need a one-year-old rooster carcass (chicken will not work), and the wine must be of truly high quality. The dish is served with the same brand of wine that was used to prepare the rooster.
The quiche base is chopped dough. It is poured over with a mixture of cream, eggs and cheese. Sometimes milk is used instead of cream. Another ingredient in the dish is smoked brisket. Onions are added to the Alsatian quiche. This dish is also sometimes prepared with vegetables and fish.
Kasule will appeal to those who like stews and casseroles, but this dish is clearly not suitable for fast food lovers. Having ordered a casule in a restaurant, you will have to wait, because its preparation takes a lot of time. White beans, bacon, broth, rosemary are just some of the ingredients in casoulet.
This dish was invented by French peasants many centuries ago. Today Ratatouille has gained worldwide fame. In France, you can order it in the best restaurants. The dish contains simple and commonly available ingredients (onion, garlic, pepper, eggplant, etc.), but the result is amazing. If you tried this dish and you didn't like it, then it was not a real ratatouille. Try it in France, you won't regret it!

A salad invented in Nice. A very healthy and nutritious meal that is low in calories. It contains greens, vegetables, fish, hard-boiled chicken eggs, beans and lemon juice. Everything is served with a special piquant sauce.
Cheese plate
An independent dish served towards the end of a meal - after a hot meal and before dessert. Usually different types of cheese are laid out on a small wooden plate. Try any of them and you will immediately understand why France is so famous for its cheeses. Here's what you can see on the cheese plate:
- Camembert;
- Roquefort;
- brie;
- Auvergne blue cheese
and other varieties of this product, of which hundreds are produced in France.
A cross between a pie and a casserole. Fruits are poured over a pancake-like dough and baked in it. Cherry clafoutis is considered a classic version of the dish, and cherries should be pitted. This dessert is also prepared with peaches, pears or apples.
An open pie somewhat reminiscent of a pizza. No salt or sugar is added to the dough. Tart can be either a dessert or a main course. The fillings for this pie are very diverse - it can be apples, cherries, raspberries, vegetables, meat or fish. The filling is poured with a mixture of cream and eggs.