- What to bring delicious food from Paris?
- Flavors of Paris
- City of arts
- Fashionable city
You can visit the magnificent French capital thousands of times, each time discovering its new, unknown pages - monuments and architectural masterpieces, museum treasuries and old cozy streets, along which great historical figures and famous literary heroes walked. And you can talk about what to bring from Paris for several hours. In this article, we will clarify what the main Parisian goods are sent to travel the world with a foreign tourist, what to look for, whether it is worth buying in huge quantities stylized images of the Eiffel Tower, or trying to find other symbols of the city and country.
What to bring delicious food from Paris?
One question tourists in Paris ask themselves is how the locals manage to stay slim and fit with such an abundant diet. The answer to this question is simple and trivial - to love each other and drink wine. Indeed, a bottle of table wine for lunch is considered in the order of things for a small company, but for a tourist it is a signal for action.
If the task is to buy delicious gifts for family and friends, then there is nothing better than wine (for adult relatives!). Unfortunately, it is difficult to advise in this matter, since the products differ in taste and quality. And only in the form of personal tasting, a foreign guest will be able to determine what is so tasty to pamper relatives. In addition to real French wine, other products are brought from Paris, leaders of the gastronomic rating: cheeses; chocolate; cognac.
As for chocolate, the best time to buy it is autumn, when the famous Chocolate Salon opens, presenting delicious products from all over France and the world. One of the most exotic and delicious gifts can be honey, which is collected by bees living in an apiary located on the roof of the famous Paris Opera. And it is sold in the only shop in the French capital, of course, the outlet is located next to the Opera.
Many guests pay attention to delicacies, for example, the famous foie gras, liver pate, the most tender, melting in the mouth. Of the non-alcoholic drinks, coffee is the most popular, its aroma haunts tourists walking around the city, Parisians know how to brew and enjoy the process of drinking. Therefore, foreign travelers, willingly or unwillingly, strive to imitate the native townspeople in their ability to live in pleasure, enjoying every minute.
Flavors of Paris
The French capital is not only the aroma of coffee, but also the smells of the most famous representatives of perfumery products. It is difficult to list well-known brands presenting their products in local boutiques and shopping and entertainment centers. Again, there can be no advisers in such a delicate and fragrant matter, everyone chooses perfume or toilet water to their liking.
It must be remembered that the aroma of real perfumes can last for weeks, so when choosing a product, you need to be very careful. The cost of the same perfume can vary significantly, it all depends on the place of purchase.
In the historic center of Paris, in a salon or in a boutique, everything will be much more expensive than similar products purchased somewhere closer to the outskirts of the main city of France. And the most democratic price awaits tourists at the airport, in the zone of the so-called free of margins (unfortunately, by the time they return home, not all travelers have money left for purchases).
Many cosmetic brands are not limited to producing only perfumes, most offer a line of care products, for example, for face or body.
City of arts
Paris has a huge number of museums, which collect masterpieces of painting and sculpture from all over the world. Many tourists, impressed by this beauty, make huge purchases of magnets, postcards and calendars with images of famous paintings. And some travelers do not stop there, because walking around the capital, you can meet many street artists selling their works.
Subtle sketches of Parisian life, beautiful landscapes of the city and the Seine, the most famous tower in the world (works of the engineer Eiffel) - all this can decorate any interior, anywhere in the world. Your own portrait of a tourist against the background of the sights of Paris can become original, such a purchase will remind you of a trip to a fairy tale, to the city of dreams every day.
For those who are more interested in arts and crafts, it is recommended to pay attention to porcelain in Paris, which is produced in Limoges. It is quite expensive, but it looks amazing, it can act as a gift for a beloved chef or colleague (especially if collecting porcelain is their life's work). A choice is offered to purchase sets and tea (coffee) pairs, figurines, elegant boxes or dishes decorated with floral patterns and scenes from the life of high society.
Fashionable city
The capital of fashion - this is what Paris is also called, and therefore foreign tourists are in a hurry to fulfill the plan as much as possible, that is, to completely renew their wardrobe. Unfortunately, the first meeting with world brands causes sadness for many, since the cost of clothes from the world's leading designers is really off scale.
Experienced travelers advise against shopping boutiques or saloons in the city center for a small amount of money. Your best bet is to try to find well-known brands in large shopping malls, where prices are usually lower. And twice a year, in June-July and at the end of December, Paris is covered with a wave of discounts, the price can be reduced by 70%, which is also used by visitors.
As you can see, Paris knows how to surprise its guests, and there are two types of surprise - not very pleasant when people see clearly inflated prices for products in demand, and very pleasant when the purchase turns out to be beautiful, high-quality, real Parisian. The choice, in principle, always remains with the buyer, in the capital of fashion, the main thing is not to succumb to panic and other people's opinion, then the acquisition will delight for many years.