Samui nightlife

Samui nightlife
Samui nightlife
photo: Samui nightlife
photo: Samui nightlife

Tourists who have arrived for the first time on the Thai island of Koh Samui may be surprised by the serenity and universal serenity of other holidaymakers. In fact, people lounging on the white sand by the turquoise ocean or enjoying the vibrant colors of the local coral reefs are simply gaining strength to immerse themselves in the world of Koh Samui's nightlife.

Coming to Koh Samui and sleeping peacefully at night is a real crime. After all, it is at night here that the most interesting begins! Numerous entertainment venues, traditional nightclubs and discos, unique open-air beach shows - each guest chooses what he likes. And the tycoons of the local entertainment business are not stopped by the law, which prescribes to turn off loud music at two o'clock in the morning and disperse to their homes and hotels. High season on Koh Samui is sacred. Everything is done here to make tourists happy. At this time, many Thai residents also come to Koh Samui to immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere and forget about the gray days left at home.

Exotic establishments open all night, which can be found on Koh Samui: cabaret shows; Muay Thai stadiums; hookah bars.

Cabaret show - a highlight of Koh Samui nightlife


Owners of local entertainment establishments are well aware that the sophisticated audience needs to constantly surprise with something. So, on the island of Koh Samui, cabarets appeared, where, with a glass of cocktail, the cost of which is much higher than in neighboring bars and restaurants, you can watch an incendiary program composed of a bizarre mixture of Thai and Chinese songs and dances and borrowings from American shows. The entrance to the cabaret is free. The most interesting place called "Starz" is located on Chaweng Beach. It features transsexuals who parody American pop stars. On the same beach, there is also a more decent establishment - Christy’s Cabaret. There are three shows every night in this cabaret. You can come to the first with the whole family. The other two are for adults.

Cabaret shows on Koh Samui are gaining popularity among tourists. They give vacationers what is valued here above all else - the feeling of a holiday.

Muay Thai is not a show for the faint of heart

Muay Thai competitions are held at special venues. Koh Samui has recently opened the new Petch Bucha Thai Boxing Stadium, which is open all night. Lovers of unconventional entertainment and local residents who cannot imagine their existence without this sport gather here. In Thai battles, both professionals and beginners take part, who want to try their luck and gain admiration from the public. Here, as in any sport, you can place bets on your favorites. The battles do not take place every night, but only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Muay Thai is not fun for everyone. Often fighters injure each other, beat the enemy to blood. The heated audience noisily supports their favorites, recklessly cheers for the winners, groans in disappointment when the favorite is defeated. It is not recommended to bring impressionable women and young children to Thai boxing competitions.

Hookah bars are a great alternative to pubs and nightclubs

Lovers of leisurely relaxation and relaxing music can easily find a quiet haven in the whirlpool of Koh Samui's nightlife. Such establishments include hookah bars - places where the menu consists of special mixtures for smoking. These mixes can be both traditional and special - with the addition of fruits, alcohol, etc. Tourists especially love the D'jouns hookah bar. Hookah mixes in this establishment are prepared by the owner himself. He keeps their composition a secret, but everyone who has visited this hookah bar tells miracles about it. Even if light music is an irritant, you can go out with a hookah to the garden, where the bottomless starry sky, sweet aromas of flowers and the quiet rustles of the night inhabitants of Samui - small representatives of the local fauna - make up the company.

Some hookahs have special rooms where guests are invited to play on a console. Many guests come here for this very reason.
