Tanzania is a real paradise for tourists. What to bring from Tanzania? From here you can bring an incredible amount of souvenirs, both traditional for all countries, and original handicrafts.
Wood products

In Tanzania, as in many African countries, the most common souvenirs are ebony (ebony). These can be: masks; figurines of animals; panels on the wall; decorations; dishes.
Local markets and souvenir shops are literally filled to capacity with the work of local craftsmen. By the way, experienced travelers are advised to go to small bazaars for gifts. There, having bargained, you can significantly save on buying souvenirs.
Carved boxes decorated with bright ornaments depicting African plants and animals are very beautiful. Not everyone will decide on this, but you can also purchase pieces of furniture: stools, chairs, small tables.
Sculpture makonde
This is perhaps the most famous and popular souvenir from Tanzania. Makonde is a people living in the south of the country who have long been famous for their art of wood carving. There is a legend that explains the connection between the tribe and this craft. According to an ancient legend, once upon a time, a lonely man carved a woman's figurine out of wood. Under the rays of the sun, she came to life and became his wife. After a while, she gave birth to a child, who became the first of the Makonde family.
Traditionally, the Makonde sculpture is made of black or pink African wood (mpingo). Symbolizes categories such as Love, Good and Evil. True, now, due to the great demand from tourists, European influence is increasingly affecting the art of wood carving. Masks and figurines, made according to all the canons, always very accurately convey even the smallest details. Products for tourists are not so accurate.
Tanzania is home to the world's only deposit of a rare mineral - tanzanite, or "blue diamond". This gem is only formed in the volcanic deposits of Kilimanjaro. In addition, sapphires, rubies, garnets, emeralds and diamonds are actively mined in the country. Unfortunately, most gemstones are only freely traded in markets in the neighboring country, Kenya.
When buying jewelry, you should be careful and purchase them only in jewelry stores. Do not forget about the receipts confirming the purchase. Otherwise, when leaving the country, the jewelry has the right to be withdrawn. The restrictions on the import or export of goods and products in Tanzania are not too strict. But without special permission it is prohibited to export: ivory and products made from it; rhino horns; skins of wild animals; gold; diamonds. Do not forget about this when purchasing a souvenir made from valuable and rare materials.
What else is brought from Tanzania?
As a souvenir from this African country, tourists take away everything related to culture, way of life or traditional way of life. Bright Kanga and Kitenj fabrics, as well as clothing made from them, are popular. In Zanzibar, there are several large shopping centers designed specifically for tourists, where you can buy quality clothing made of cotton and natural fabrics with African designs.
Not too expensive, but an original gift will be a disc with ethnic music. These collections can be bought at any major store. Usually their assortment is very diverse. In souvenir shops economical gift options are always sold: rosary; dice; beads; wicker baskets; batik; Tingatinga paintings and much more.
As in all countries, magnets and T-shirts hold the first place in the ranking of the most bought souvenirs. You can buy them everywhere and at an affordable price. When buying a T-shirt, you should take the advice of experienced tourists and not buy a thing with the Mzungu inscription. This word in the local language does not mean the best nickname.
You can also bring local coffee, fruits, spices or herbs from Tanzania. No special permission is required for their export. True, the amount of these products should not exceed reasonable limits.