- Obtaining citizenship
- The most common option
- Blood relations
- Double citizenship
For Russians, the task of obtaining Lithuanian citizenship is quite democratic. This can be done both by registering your own business project, and by finding a job in one of the Lithuanian companies. Lithuanian citizenship can be obtained through naturalization. In addition, it is possible to become a citizen of this small Baltic state by consanguinity.
Obtaining citizenship
Many people strive to obtain Lithuanian citizenship not only in order to live and work without problems on its territory. For some, obtaining Lithuanian citizenship is thus a "window to Europe" and gives them the opportunity to subsequently leave for more economically developed countries of the European Union.
There are two ways to become a citizen of this Baltic state: by naturalization and consanguinity. Also, thirteen years ago, overvalued foreigners, either heavily invested in the economy or contributing to a breakthrough in the scientific field, were recognized as citizens of the state.
The most common option
A person who wishes to obtain a passport of a Lithuanian citizen is obliged to submit a corresponding application in writing. The petition can be sent only after the applicant can confirm the fact of uninterrupted residence in the country for ten years. In addition, employees of diplomatic approval may be asked to provide: a certificate of financial solvency, a document confirming renunciation of another citizenship, a document confirming fluency in the Lithuanian language. Also, the applicant will have to pass a test for knowledge of the constitutional foundations of Lithuania. This test applies to everyone, except for persons who have crossed the sixty-five-year threshold, disabled people and people with one or another mental disability.
It will not be possible to avoid the exam even if the applicant was legally married to a citizen of Lithuania. However, in this case, the applicant for Lithuanian citizenship has one serious bonus in the form of reduced waiting times. Thus, according to the existing law, the applicant's passport will be in the hands of the applicant after the fifth year of his stay in the country.
Blood relations
An alien can apply for Lithuanian citizenship if both of his parents are Lithuanians, both by nationality and by place of birth. A special bonus is given to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Lithuanians living on the territory of the state before the start of World War II.
Of course, in order to confirm the fact of such a relationship, you will have to work hard. Thus, the employees of the diplomatic institution ask for documents proving that the applicant's relative, who lived in the territory of Lithuania until 1940, is precisely Lithuanian. Such a document can be: a passport; study certificate; civil service document; military service document.
Given the specificity of the "bonus", there is no strict list of documents. Any certificate confirming the fact of kinship and nationality of the ancestor will do. The application and the package of documents attached to it are reviewed by the staff of the Citizenship Commission. If a blood relative of an immigrant permanently and legally residing in the territory of the state applies for a citizen's passport, then his issue will be resolved positively. Parental status does not play a decisive role.
The application is considered in many state institutions. The term for consideration in each of them is thirty days. In general, it takes about six months to resolve the issue. If the issue is resolved in favor of the applicant, he will have to take an oath of allegiance to Lithuania. Then the newly made citizen is issued a Lithuanian passport.
Double citizenship
Several years ago, the Sejm adopted a resonant law on dual citizenship. Thus, according to the decree, only those Lithuanians who live in NATO and the European Union countries have the right to dual citizenship in Lithuania. This privilege also applies to the children of immigrants from this Baltic state. Seventy-eight parliamentarians voted for the entry into force of the Law.
According to the adopted Law, there are only seven groups of Lithuanians who have the right to obtain dual citizenship. In addition to the already mentioned persons residing in the territory of NATO countries and the European Union, the “bonus” can be claimed by:
- Exiles.
- Political prisoners.
- Descendants of people who were forced to leave the country during the period considered to be the years of Soviet occupation.
- Ethnic Lithuanians, compactly living in neighboring states.
- Persons holding a passport of another state and becoming citizens of Lithuania by way of exception.
- Descendants of Lithuanians and citizens of those countries with which the Baltic state has signed a corresponding agreement.
It is noteworthy that to date, none of the states has concluded an agreement with Lithuania on dual citizenship. Currently, dual citizenship in Lithuania is provided only in exceptional situations. This is a rather rare occurrence, and, in the opinion of some right-wing parliamentarians, contrary to the country's Constitution.