Volcano pinatubo

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Volcano pinatubo
Volcano pinatubo

Video: Volcano pinatubo

Video: Volcano pinatubo
Video: In the Path of a Killer Volcano: Mt. Pinatubo 2024, June
photo: Mount Pinatubo
photo: Mount Pinatubo
  • The eruptions of Mount Pinatubo
  • Pinatubo for tourists
  • How to get to Mount Pinatubo

The active volcano Pinatubo is a member of the Pacific Fire Belt and occupies the territory of the Philippine island of Luzon: it is located 93 km from Manila, and 26 km from Angeles.

The eruptions of Mount Pinatubo

After the eruption in 1380, 300 thousand Filipinos built cities on the slopes of Pinatubo, raised animals, grew rice … But after 611 years of “sleep,” Pinatubo woke up in April 1991 - tremors caused clouds of smoke to fall from the top. Anyone who lived within a radius of 20 km from the volcano, the Philippine government decided to immediately evacuate.

On June 7 of the same year, a dome of viscous magma began to form over the Pinatubo summit. The first explosion occurred on June 12 - a black cloud of ash rose up to a 19-kilometer height, and pyroclastic flows began to drain from the slopes of the mountain. A stronger explosion, the second in a row, occurred 14 hours after the first. A gas-ash cloud has risen to a height of 24 kilometers. The third explosive eruption occurred at speed, lasting 5 minutes. After a 3-hour "break" came the turn of the 4th eruption, which lasted about 3 minutes.

June 15 is the day when a paroxysmal eruption was recorded, as a result of which an area of 125,000 square kilometers was covered with ash, like an impenetrable curtain (for several hours this territory remained in complete darkness). This eruption, accompanied by flooding and mud flows (the day before, the east coast of Luzon was "whirled" by a typhoon), washed away buildings and, gradually weakening, continued until June 17. Seismologists feared that the mountain would explode, but the volcano calmed down and settled.

The consequences of the eruption (6 points) led to the death of at least 875 people, as well as the destruction of the strategic US Air Force base Clark, the US naval base and about 800 square kilometers of agricultural land.

The area around Pinatubo was devastated by lahars and pyroclastic flows. In addition, a central crater (2.5 km in diameter) was formed, with a lake in it (rain fed). In 2008, the water level in the lake rose so much that part of it had to be lowered (for this purpose, a small gap was made in the crater ring) in order to prevent possible flooding of the surrounding area during the rainy season.

After 1991, Pinatubo erupted several more times (1 point) - in July 1992 and February 1993. It should be noted that today the height of Pinatubo is 1486 m (before the eruption it was almost 260 m higher).

Pinatubo for tourists

Volcano Pinatubo is an object of mountain tourism: ascents are carried out in the dry season (November-March). All comers go on a 7-kilometer track to the mouth of the volcano from the jeep parking lot. On the way, they will come across huts-stops, where they will be able to buy cold water (0.5 l / 100 pesos), go to the toilet and wash. When there is 1 km of path left, travelers will find a sign that says that young people can cover this distance in 15 minutes, middle-aged people - in 18, and elderly people - in 20 minutes.

In the lake (a steep stone staircase leads to it), in the crater of the volcano, you can swim (you won't be able to stand on the bottom of the lake without shoes - it is hot, and the water has a quite comfortable temperature of + 26˚C, compared to the previous + 43˚C) … For travelers, it is of interest to the fact that the water in it constantly changes color (the reason for this phenomenon has not yet been established) - it turns yellow, then green, then black, then blue …

Those who wish are transported by boat to the opposite shore of the lake, where they can sunbathe and swim (the boat can be rented: the approximate cost of the service is 300 pesos per person). Those who take special equipment with them will be allowed to dive under water up to 300 m, as well as stay overnight on the lake, pitching a tent on its shore. It is worth noting that next to the lake there is a gazebo where you can take a break and buy something for a snack, as well as a changing room (important for those who want to get rid of wet clothes after swimming and put on dry ones).

Information on prices: jeep rental will cost 3500 pesos (accommodates 5 people; on it tourists are transported to the starting point of the walking path); the guide will ask you to pay 500 pesos for his services.

In addition to climbing, travelers have another opportunity to get acquainted with Pinatubo and its environs - they will be offered to fly over this area on 2 or 4-seater Cessna-152 or Cessna-172 aircraft (a 1-hour excursion costs about $ 100). It is better to fly early in the morning or in the afternoon because of the observed minimum cloud cover at this time.

The village of Aeta, located in the vicinity of the volcano, should not be deprived of your attention - it is of ethnographic interest for travelers.

How to get to Mount Pinatubo

Vacationers in Manila should find the Victory Liner terminal there and take the bus to Kapas. There you can approach one of the tricycle drivers, saying that you are interested in a trip to Pinatubo. He will take you to the starting point of the volcano walking tour.
