In October 2007, the city authorities approved the coat of arms of Taganrog, but just one look of a specialist at this heraldic symbol will make it possible to say with full confidence that there is a very long history behind it. This is evidenced by the interesting elements-symbols located on the shield, as well as the number "1698", which unambiguously denotes an important date in the history of the settlement.
On the colors of the coat of arms and symbols
The heraldic symbol of this Russian city is quite bright and colorful. The palette contains well-known heraldic tones and shades, a lot of azure and silver, which are harmoniously combined in various versions. There are also scarlet, purple, gold and black colors.
Scarlet is traditionally associated with heroism and readiness to defend native territories, especially since Taganrog was once located on the outskirts of the Russian Empire. Gold is the color of splendor and wealth, in meaning it coincides with purple, which is also present on the coat of arms of the city. Azure - the color of the sky, water resources, a symbol of infinity, justice, silver - purity and nobility of thoughts.
Description of the Taganrog coat of arms
The rather complex composition of the Taganrog coat of arms is explained by the fact that a large shield, which has a traditional, so-called French shape, and a small shield, which occupies a central position, are used. The large shield, in turn, is divided into four fields, each of which is painted in different colors, respectively, having a different meaning. Separate fields also have their own important symbol elements:
- the first field is silver in color with two azure belts;
- the second field - has a monogram from the letter "P" corresponding to the initial of Emperor Peter I and the Roman numeral "I", as well as the number "1698";
- the third field - a silver sturgeon in a horizontal position ("to the waist").
The most original elements are located in the fourth box, which is colored silver. Here is a golden caduceus - a wand decorated with images of two snakes and two wings. Crossed black anchors are visible behind it, reminiscent of the geographical location of Taganrog.
The shield, which occupies the central position in the coat of arms, is of gold color, a scarlet cross is inscribed in it, it is called broadened, that is, the cross has widened ends, or Greek. In general, due to the presence of such important elements and a rich palette, the heraldic composition looks very solemn.