This Russian regional center is located less than thirty kilometers from neighboring Finland. Therefore, it is natural that the history of Vyborg is inextricably linked both with the neighboring state and with its inhabitants. Today the city is a fairly large industrial center, a port on the Baltic Sea.
Foreign roots

Many interesting facts are connected with this city, for example, that the Swedes put their hands on its foundation. The second nuance - the city of Vyborg relatively recently became part of Russia, until 1940 it was a Finnish settlement, and it was the second largest in the country.
The date of foundation is considered to be 1293, when the Swedes erected the Vyborg Castle here, and they chose a very convenient position for strengthening. From the castle it was possible to control the sea trade route: the Gulf of Finland - the Vuoksa - Ladoga water system.
The Swedish period in the history of Vyborg lasted until 1710, more than four hundred years. Repeatedly the inhabitants of Novgorod and other cities of the Russian state tried to take the castle, but the attempts ended in failure. The fact that this settlement was extremely important for the Swedish state is evidenced by the following fact: in 1403 Vyborg received the same status as Uppsala, the city-fortress was granted “equal city privileges”.
History of the Middle Ages
The city lived between war and peace: on the one hand, the Russian state continued to try to take the city, on the other hand, Vyborg became a center of attraction for wealthy settlers from the Hanseatic cities, which contributed to its development. Economic Germans opened enterprises, trade facilities, educational institutions and temples. Probably, this is how you can briefly describe the history of Vyborg in the Middle Ages.
In 1710, the Swedish period in the life of Vyborg ended, since the city was taken by the troops of Peter I, and in 1721 it officially became part of the Russian Empire.
Vyborg as part of Russia
Separate freedoms for the inhabitants of the new Russian city were preserved, in particular: serfdom did not concern them; it was allowed to preserve the Lutheran faith; Swedish laws were in force in the city.
The end of the 18th century for Vyborg was marked by the military actions of the Swedish and Russian armies, and the war between the states in 1808-1809. already bypassed the city. Over the next century, the city lived peacefully, without any special events and upheavals. In the 19th century, an era of progress begins, the development of industries, science and culture. The twentieth century is a terrible century, an age of wars and massacres.