The Golden Ring is one of the most famous Russian tourist routes, it passes through the ancient and iconic cities of the country. The history of Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Suzdal is revealed right before the eyes of amazed tourists, because many of these settlements played a huge role in the development and formation of the modern Russian state.
First victories and defeats
Vladimir belongs to the oldest Russian cities, the first mention is associated with 990. From the moment of its foundation, it was under the close attention of chroniclers, therefore, the following significant events in the history of Vladimir are known, in short:
- 1108 - Vladimir Monomakh built a new fortress;
- 1157 - Vladimir becomes the capital of North-Eastern Russia;
- 1176 - 1212 - the heyday of the city;
- 1238 - Tatar-Mongol invasion, as a result of which Vladimir was ruined.
It was these events that remained in the annals and legends, on their basis one can judge how the settlement appeared, developed, what difficulties its inhabitants had to face.
History of Vladimir in the Middle Ages

The Tatar-Mongols were quite frequent guests on the Vladimir lands, therefore the question of strengthening the city's defense system and building additional fortifications arose. Moreover, not only guests from the south came for tribute. In 1609-1614. the inhabitants of the city had to defend the city from the Polish-Lithuanian army.
It became a little calmer in the 18th century, the authorities of Vladimir engaged in peaceful construction. In 1719, the Vladimir province was created, naturally, the city became its center. The year 1778 brought changes - reforms in the system of administrative-territorial entities. In this regard, the province was reorganized into a province, Vladimir receives a new status - the main city of the province.
The era of technical heyday
The main events taking place in the capital of the Vladimir province in the 19th century are associated with the development of the economy, science and culture. The first half of the century was marked by the creation of a public library and theater, the organization of its own newspaper. After 1850, the time for technical progress comes. There is a water supply system, a telephone, a power station, and a railway line.
A new stage in the life of Vladimir, like the whole of Russia, begins after 1917. The pre-war period for the city is associated with accelerated industrialization, the development of the chemical industry and mechanical engineering. During the war years, enterprises and people are evacuated here, and numerous hospitals are located here. The second half of the twentieth century - the restoration of the economy, a peaceful life.