What to take with you to Israel?

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What to take with you to Israel?
What to take with you to Israel?

Video: What to take with you to Israel?

Video: What to take with you to Israel?
Video: How to Pack for travel to Israel 2024, June
photo: What to take with you to Israel?
photo: What to take with you to Israel?

Israel's favorable location in the south of the continent, surrounded by four seas, makes it popular with summer lovers. But some travelers come here in winter as well. And almost everyone is interested in what to take with them to Israel?

When compiling a list of things, remember that luggage when flying by plane must not exceed the permissible weight. On average, it is 20-40 kilograms, depending on the class. For things that are taken into the aircraft cabin - no more than 10 kilograms. The excess has to be paid additionally.

But do not fill your suitcases to the top with everything that is in the apartment. There are a lot of inexpensive shops in Israel. Therefore, a lot can be purchased there. A small suitcase or backpack will work best. Moreover, when traveling, they will not interfere with movement.


  • Passport and medical insurance.
  • Confirmation of hotel reservation or invitation to visit Israel.
  • Money can be borrowed in any currency - rubles, dollars, euros. They can be exchanged for shekels at any exchange point.
  • When traveling with a child - all documents for him, including a medical policy.


The choice of clothing depends on the season. In addition, it is important to take into account the customs of the country you are planning to visit. Israel is the country of the east. Therefore, girls should prefer longer skirts and a more modest swimsuit.

  • Summer in Israel lasts from May to October. All this time the weather is hot, especially in July and August. Lightweight items, sunglasses, hats and caps, as well as sunburn creams and light slates are most appropriate.
  • Autumn comes in November and December in Israel. It's getting pretty cool. Warmer clothes may come in handy at this time of year: sweaters, jeans, boots.
  • January, February is the winter time in the country. Its peculiarity in Israel is that during the day the air temperature can reach 15 degrees above zero, and at night it can drop to minus 10. In addition, it often rains in winter. Therefore, an umbrella must be in your luggage.
  • Spring also lasts two months. These are March and April. The rains stop, the air temperature rises. But an umbrella also does not hurt, as well as a light waterproof windbreaker.

If you are planning an excursion tour, then you should take care of comfortable shoes, since there are many sights, both natural and man-made, in Israel.
