Bern coat of arms

Bern coat of arms
Bern coat of arms
photo: Coat of arms of Bern
photo: Coat of arms of Bern

The protagonist, who adorns the coat of arms of Bern in person, would rather fit one of the old Russian towns than the European capital. The central place in the official symbolism is occupied by the image of a bear, and the color palette is very close to the famous Khokhloma paintings - the same abundance of gold, scarlet and black.

Description of the coat of arms

On the one hand, the coat of arms of the main symbol of the Swiss capital is quite simple - a Spanish shield, divided by oblique lines into three unequal parts. On the other hand, the used image of the bear and the chosen colors - precious gold, scarlet, no less popular in heraldry, speak of its ancient origin and deep symbolic meaning.

Main character and legends

Scientists in the field of heraldry, describing the coat of arms of the Swiss capital, clarify that the background of the shield is scarlet, it is crossed by a golden stripe, quite wide. It is in this part of the shield that the black bear is placed.

The animal on the Bern heraldic sign is shown standing on three legs, the fourth is raised, the animal seems to greet those who are looking at the composition, but at the same time it looks at the viewer with one eye. Since the strip is located obliquely, then the bear's figure is directed upwards, thus not its static position is shown, but its movement. In addition, the authors of the sketch emphasize that a predator is depicted - its mouth is slightly open, sharp fangs are visible. The beast has powerful paws with the same sharp claws, painted in a scarlet color, which coincides with the background of the shield.

This sign is one of the oldest heraldic symbols in Europe, for scientists call the year of its approval - 1234. Its appearance is associated with the name of Duke Berthold the Rich: he allegedly decided to place on his own coat of arms the image of the first animal that he would meet when he went to the local forest. According to one version, the duke went hunting, and the brown bear became his first prey. According to another version, more peaceful, Berthold V decided to found a settlement, and in the forest he was engaged in cutting down trees to build a city.

Perhaps this is a legend, but the real fact remains the foundation of the city itself by Berthold V. Predatory animals are still found in the vicinity of Bern, but their number is much smaller than during the reign of the duke. Residents of the capital claim that the bear decorating the coat of arms is not only a beast with a name consonant with Bern, but also a talisman and the personification of the very spirit of the city.
