Many African countries have recently ceased to be colonies and have embarked on the path of independent development. The main emblems of individual powers from the black continent were based on the European traditions of heraldry, while others took into account the local flavor. For example, the coat of arms of Sudan has changed dramatically since 1956, but both the first and second options reflected the mentality of the country, its national symbols.
Modern head symbol
The new coat of arms of the Republic of Sudan was adopted in 1969 and is still in effect today. The secretary bird became its central character. On her chest is a shield, very beautiful and rare in shape. Above and below the composition there are two ribbons with the motto and the name of the country.
The color scheme of the Sudanese coat of arms is rather restrained. Four colors of the palette are used:
- black and white for the image of a bird;
- black with a red outline and pattern - for the shield;
- white - for ribbons;
- emerald shade - for inscriptions.
The secretary bird was chosen, equal to the neighbors, who used the eagle of Saladin and the hawk of Quraish as the main characters. All these birds are symbolically associated with Arab nationalism, are present on the coats of arms of many countries in the Middle East region, and the secretary bird appears on the state symbol of the Republic of South Africa.
It is easy to recognize it, it has characteristic feathers at the back of the head, very similar to goose feathers. They were loved to be used by judges, inserted into wigs. Hence the name of this bird of prey of the falcon order.
An unusual shield was used during the reign of Muhammad ibn Abdullah. It symbolizes patriotism, courage of local residents, readiness to defend their native land. The same aspirations of the Sudanese are reflected in the national motto at the top of the coat of arms: "Victory is ours."
First Sudanese coat of arms
The main symbol appeared in 1956 with the country's independence. The Sudanese chose a black rhino as the main character. This animal is widespread on the territory of the country, it is distinguished by extraordinary power, strength and at the same time agility. The rhinoceros was a symbol of the strength and flexibility of the new African state.
He was accompanied by plants that are quite often present on the coats of arms of different countries of the world. These are palm trees and olive branches. Palm is one of the most common trees in Sudan, it gives a person wood, fruits, shade from the sun. Oliva symbolizes the desire for peace and prosperity. In the lower part there was a ribbon with the inscribed name - "Republic of Sudan".