This small state is called the heart of South America, sandwiched on three sides by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia. Unlike its neighbors, the country retained the Guaraní as the second state language - the indigenous inhabitants, whose ancestors met the Spanish colonialists here in the 16th century. It was the customs of the Guaraní Indians that formed the basis of the traditions of Paraguay, which are still observed by local residents today.
The whole world is theater
This catch phrase fully reflects the character of the Paraguayan. A certain theatricality and pretense is visible in each of his actions, and therefore the process or ceremony means much more to them than the result obtained in the end. With this in mind, you should not take the word of a local resident who hit on the lady, for example, or rely on the punctuality of the guide or guide. The slow pace of life is generally a special tradition of Paraguay, which is sacredly observed by both old and small.
Nevertheless, the locals for the most part are benevolent and sincerely willing to help the bewildered and lost tourist. Turning to them for help, you can count on live participation. However, it should be borne in mind that the information received does not always turn out to be reliable.
They meet by clothes
This is the approach that Paraguayans practice, evaluating a person when meeting or meeting. Paraguay's conservative wardrobe traditions have even become the subject of jokes among residents of neighboring countries. They do not welcome the appearance of an adult in a short skirt or shorts in a public place, and even dress up in church as for a wedding or a theater. Sportswear serves as a sign of special poverty and low social status among Paraguayans, although young people increasingly wear them for convenience and in accordance with fashionable world trends.
Useful little things
- Do not try to find decent tea or coffee in local cafes. Paraguayan traditions prescribe to drink mate and only it is served here cooked according to all the rules.
- A handshake is the main form of greeting between unfamiliar people. Hugging and exchanging kisses is allowed here only with the closest friends or relatives.
- Do not be outraged by the inattention of the seller in the shop, who talks to a local for a long time, forgetting about his duties. Most likely, these two are relatives, and therefore they are unlikely to part without learning all the latest news about each other's family members.