Features of Cuba

Features of Cuba
Features of Cuba
photo: Features of Cuba
photo: Features of Cuba

A unique state, occupying tiny territories, managed to resist the great United States, however, not without the help of an older brother from the other side of the world. Therefore, a fairly large part of modern tourists now come from Russia. They are well aware of the national characteristics of Cuba, they are happy to join the life of the island of Freedom.

Don't lose optimism


Despite all the natural disasters, the revolution and the threatening saber-rattling of American weapons, Cuba has not lost its cheerfulness, optimism and faith in the future. And the main means of raising the fighting spirit of the Cubans have been and remain colorful and multi-day carnivals.

However, as far as business or doing business is concerned, everything is the other way around - slowness and calm conduct of business are manifested. Tourists who encounter staff sluggishness for the first time can be unnerving.

Literally in a few days, vacationers adjust to the pace of life of the hotel staff, realizing that rest is a leisurely affair, it’s time not to rush anywhere, but to enjoy nature, the sun, the sea, and lingering Cuban songs.

Cuban etiquette

The European tourist may encounter rules of conduct in Cuba that differ from those familiar to him from childhood. For example, the sociability of local residents allows them to absolutely calmly make new acquaintances right on the street, without worrying at all that someone might consider it tactless.

As in the old Soviet times, today in Cuba the doors are open, there are no secrets from neighbors, different generations communicate freely with each other. There is no admiration for old age or special indulgences for the young, there is universal equality and a friendly atmosphere, which sometimes leads to spontaneous dancing and general street fun.

Three whales of the Cuban ethnic group

It so happened historically that now people live in Cuba:

  • descendants of the aborigines who inhabited the island before the arrival of the conquistadors;
  • the Spaniards, the descendants of the first conquerors;
  • descendants of immigrants from Africa, freed from slavery.

It is these three branches that determine the state of modern culture in Cuba, and influence architecture, music, literature and art. On the one hand, they are self-sufficient, develop without requiring outside infusion. On the other hand, there is an interpenetration of authentic, Spanish and African cultures, universalization and the emergence of the so-called Cuban culture, which cannot be confused with anything.

