Holland history

Holland history
Holland history
photo: History of Holland
photo: History of Holland

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, like the rest of the Old World, has a very rich history, in which there have been ups and downs, and periods of unprecedented prosperity. The first people appeared on this earth, according to archaeologists, a quarter of a million years ago, and since then the history of Holland has been going on as usual, forcing each successive generation to cry and laugh, rejoice and be sad, raise children and honor the memory of their ancestors.

At the turn of the millennium

Germanic tribes settled in the central and northern parts of the country in the 6th century BC, and the Celts chose the southern lands as a suitable territory. Then in the 1st century A. D. the ubiquitous ancient Romans appeared. The history of Holland took a sharp turn, and the occupied lands became part of the Roman Empire. The conquerors did not have a friendly disposition and their cruelty towards the local population became the cause of constant uprisings. However, the invaders built a lot and it is they who have the honor of laying roads and erecting defensive structures.

Leafing through the pages of the Middle Ages

The history of the country continued according to the scenario of the Emperor Charlemagne and several rulers who followed him. At the end of the 9th century, the County of Holland was formed on the territory of the modern Kingdom of the Netherlands, and its "top managers" bore the titles of Counts of Frisia. The lack of fertile and convenient land forced the managers to start constant wars with their neighbors for the right to possess the best territories. The county of Holland existed until 1433, after which it became part of the Duchy of Burgundy.

The golden age and times of not the highest standard

The 17th century is called the Golden Age in the history of Holland. At this time, the country's economy flourished, the port of Amsterdam became the largest in the Old World and brought income to the state not only through the sale of oriental spices, silk and spices, but also from the slave trade. This sad page is also a part of the history of Holland, which, as we know, cannot be rewritten. The Golden Age was also the time of tulip mania, which captured all Dutch people without exception. Modern historians study this phenomenon as unique and note that tulip mania gave an unprecedented impetus to the development of the country.

Under Napoleon Bonaparte, the Kingdom of Holland was created on the territory of the country, but it lasted only four years on the political map of the world.

The twentieth century brought terrible and destructive world wars. In the first, the Dutch managed to preserve their sovereignty, but the Second World War did not escape their home either.
