Taxi in Rome

Taxi in Rome
Taxi in Rome
photo: Taxi in Rome
photo: Taxi in Rome

Taxis in Rome are represented by official taxis and private cabbies (it is not recommended to use the services of the latter, since the quality and cost of the trip is impossible to predict).

Features of ordering a taxi in Rome

If you wish, you can order a taxi by phone, for example, using the services of the following companies:

  • Assotaxi: + (3906) 6645;
  • Taxi 6645: + (3906) 66-45;
  • Samarcanda: + (3906) 5551, 552-82-813.

It is worth considering that when calling a taxi, you will have to pay for the distance that the driver will cover to get to you, so in order to save money, you should call a taxi located as close to you as possible.

It is not customary to catch a taxi on the street - you can find them at numerous parking lots (use the services of official, white or yellow taxis with the company logo and a burning sign on the roof), for example, at the Colosseum, Villa Borghese, Trevi Fountain, Republic Square …

Most taxi drivers do not speak English, so it is advisable to carry a business card of the hotel where you are staying.

If suddenly you do not see a taxi stand nearby or you get lost, you can call a taxi by sending an sms-message (it should contain information with the name of the city, street and house number, separated by spaces) to the number +393666730000.

As soon as the order is processed, you will receive a message with a password-name of your order, which must be shown to the driver who drove up to the call.

Taxi cost in Rome

Every traveler, vacationing in the capital of Italy, asks the question: "How much does a taxi cost in Rome?" You should focus on the following information:

  • calling a taxi by phone, you will pay 3-3, 5 euros;
  • for landing + the first 3 km of the way you will be asked to pay 7-8 euros;
  • surcharges: each subsequent km of the route costs 1 euro, the surcharge for 5 passengers is 1 euro and 1 piece of luggage costs 1 euro;
  • night rates are 30% more expensive than day rates;
  • for single women traveling by taxi at night, a 10% discount is provided (do not forget to remind);
  • if traffic becomes difficult due to traffic jams and the taxi moves slower than 20 km / h, the fare will be charged at an additional rate (27 euros / hour).

If you are going to travel by taxi within the city, then you should not be charged more than 70 euros (this is the maximum amount, taking into account all surcharges that taxi drivers can take from a passenger).

Please note that if you plan to travel outside the city by taxi, then in this case a special tariff will be applied, which is almost 2 times higher than the city one (the city tariff is reflected on the counter as number 1, and the special one - as number 2).

Since taxis in Rome are quite expensive, in order to save money, you should not resort to their services if you need to cover a short distance.
