Tours in Baku

Tours in Baku
Tours in Baku
photo: Tours in Baku
photo: Tours in Baku

Trying to talk about the beauty and importance of Baku is a thankless job. This city is worth taking a train or plane and in a few hours see its spacious avenues and old medieval streets, enjoy the smell of the sea and admire new modern quarters, learn to sit at a laid table for a long time and understand that real Caucasian hospitality cannot be replaced by anything and with nothing to compare. Tours to Baku are the lot of those who love bright colors, a leisurely pace of life, ancient architecture and generous people.

History with geography

Baku today is the largest metropolis in the Caucasus, but its history has such long roots that few people remember all its details. Archaeological artifacts have been found on the territory of modern Baku, which make it possible to assert that the Caspian coast was inhabited in these parts as early as the first millennium BC.

As a city, Baku is mentioned in the treatises of the early Middle Ages, and at the end of the XII century the city became the capital of the State of the Shirvanakhs. It was then that the famous Maiden Tower was built here, which adorns the panorama of majestic Baku today.

Briefly about the important

  • A major transport hub, the capital of Azerbaijan receives its guests both by rail and by air. The international airport for tour participants in Baku is located 25 kilometers to the east, and the travel time from the capital of Russia takes about three hours. You can also get from Moscow by direct express train.
  • Moving around the city during rush hours can be difficult, and therefore the most profitable, both economically and in time, mode of transport is the Baku metro. The stations are located very conveniently for tourists and have access to the main attractions of the old center.
  • The mild continental climate allows you to plan tours to Baku at any time of the year. In summer it can be quite hot here, but precipitation is rare and does not add excessive moisture to the air. Snow can fall in winter, but thermometers rarely drop below freezing. The optimal time to travel to Azerbaijan is spring, when the gardens are blooming, or autumn, when a particularly comfortable season for walking comes.
  • The modern shopping centers of the capital are able to please even the most sophisticated shopping lovers. The prices here pleasantly surprise with the availability, and the assortment of the offered goods - with the variety. Famous Azerbaijani carpets have always been favorites among the purchases of the tour participants in Baku.