Holidays in Austria in March

Holidays in Austria in March
Holidays in Austria in March
photo: Rest in Austria in March
photo: Rest in Austria in March

When planning a tourist trip to Austria in March, it is important to know the weather conditions in different regions of the country.

The Eastern Alps have the lowest thermometer readings. Daytime temperature can be -2… + 4C, night -5… -8C. In addition, the snow cover continues to be in perfect condition, so skiing is still possible. However, in mountainous areas there are sharp winds and treacherous avalanches. It is important to note that rescue workers warn about the danger at ski resorts, so these centers become ideal for recreation in March.

In the lowland areas, a climatic spring is established. Young foliage begins to bloom on the trees, on the ground you can see the first flowers and beautiful grass. Severe cold weather leaves Austria until next year. However, the weather is unstable. In Vienna there are 0 … + 10C. A noticeable warming occurs in the third decade of March.

Significant amounts of precipitation continue to persist. In March, there is wet snow. In order to truly enjoy your vacation, carefully think over your own wardrobe.

Holidays and festivals in Austria in March

  • In March, the carnival season called "Fashing" begins. At this time, folk festivals and parades are held in Austria. Events in Tyrol are especially fun. In March, Easter markets are held, which attract tourists just like Christmas.
  • In Vienna, March is the starting point for a string of musical and theatrical festivals, among which the Haydn Days, the International Accordion Festival, should be noted. Talented artists and photographers hold major exhibitions.

When planning a vacation in Austria in March, you will definitely enjoy a rich cultural leisure.

Prices for tourist trips to Austria in March

Tourists on a budget can visit Austria in March, have a great time and enjoy their trip. At ski resorts, the number of tourists is decreasing, so the owners of winter centers are lowering their own rates. Prices are also reduced by hotel owners. On average, savings can reach 35 - 50%, compared to winter and July - August. However, a sightseeing trip will require approximately the same amount as the period after the New Year holidays.
