China is represented by three different types of climate: temperate, subtropical, subequatorial. In this regard, the weather conditions are radically different from each other. At the same time, January is recognized as the coldest month of the year. What weather conditions can you expect?
1. Hainan is located in the tropics and is known as the "island of eternal spring". In this regard, even in winter you can enjoy high temperatures, namely + 22 … + 24C. By the evening it gets colder by about 6 - 7 degrees.
2. The southern coastal regions cannot boast of maximum temperatures. For example, in Hong Kong the temperature ranges from +14 to + 19C, in Guangzhou - from +10 to + 18C. High humidity, 70 - 80%, can be the cause of discomfort. Despite this disappointing figure, there can be only five rainy days in January.
3. Tibet has the lowest temperatures. For example, in Lhasa it can be -10C at night, and + 7C during the day, and in Shigatse it will be a couple of degrees colder. The humidity is only 26%, and therefore the absorption of oxygen will be difficult and it will take more time to acclimatize. Choosing a comfortable hotel, you can be sure that your vacation will be successful, despite the unpleasant weather conditions.
Holidays and festivals in China in January
Most holidays in China are usually celebrated according to the lunar calendar, so the dates are constantly shifting. For example, mid-January is usually the beginning of the New Year (the first day of the new moon between January 12th and February 19th). Chinese New Year symbolizes the end of winter. It should be noted that this event coincides with the Spring Festival, which is known as Chunjie.
When planning a vacation in China in January, you can visit the brightest and most unforgettable celebration in the country. The cultural program includes fairs, costume performances, folk dancers and stilt walkers. Just imagine how vivid impressions these events will give!
Have you decided to visit China in the middle of winter? Take the chance to visit the Ice and Snow Festival, which is held regularly in Harbin. During the festival, sculptors from around the world showcase their amazing skills.
Prices for a tourist trip to China in January
In the first half of January, tours are distinguished by an increased cost, due to the New Year and Christmas, which are celebrated in a special way by many Europeans. From about the 15th, prices again become quite democratic.