Poland drinks

Poland drinks
Poland drinks
photo: Drinks of Poland
photo: Drinks of Poland

Tourism in Poland is gaining momentum every year. The European state on the Baltic Sea can offer its guests not only a discreet beach holiday of the European level, but also ski slopes of quite high quality. If you add here an interesting excursion program and drinks from Poland, which are worth tasting in combination with the best dishes of the national cuisine, you get a very rich program for your holidays or vacations.

Alcohol of Poland

Poland's customs regulations require a traveler crossing its borders not to carry more than a liter of strong alcohol with him. Wine is allowed to take with you no more than two liters, but this does not mean that the tourist will have to suffer without his favorite drinks. In the country, absolutely all types of alcohol are sold in supermarkets and served in restaurants and bars. In addition, the alcohol of Poland should be tasted by lovers of liqueurs and liqueurs, because these are the drinks that are produced on its territory. The prices for alcohol are similar to those in Europe, but some samples of local alcohol are quite inexpensive. For example, a bottle of the famous Zubrovka will cost about 8-10 euros in a supermarket.

Poland's national drink

Poles respect strong alcohol, and therefore vodka and various liqueurs are held in high esteem in the country. The national drink of Poland, in the opinion of many, is the traditional "Zubrovka", which has been produced since the times of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was preferred by both the peasants and the nobility, and therefore by the middle of the 18th century "Zubrovka" was already being produced on an industrial scale.

Its main component is fragrant bison grass growing in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve. The tincture is still produced in Belarus and Russia, but it was from Poland that it began its journey to the hearts of fans of aromatic and healing alcoholic beverages. Zubrovka helps to activate digestion and stimulates appetite. This effect is achieved with the help of coumarin glycoside - a substance contained in the herb of sweet bison.

Alcoholic drinks of Poland

For lovers of liqueurs, a whole range of different drinks are produced in the country. Depending on the components, they are divided into sweet and spicy, aromatic and soft, ladies' and especially picky ones. The most famous alcoholic drinks in Poland, which are worth bringing home as souvenirs:

  • "Orange", infused on citrus peels and is especially loved by the weaker sex.
  • "Caramelevka", which has a characteristic taste and color and is served on the table mainly in winter.
  • Brandy "Slivovitsa", memorable for its delicate aftertaste.
