Montenegro drinks

Montenegro drinks
Montenegro drinks
photo: Drinks of Montenegro
photo: Drinks of Montenegro

Excellent beach holidays, magnificent panoramic landscapes, famous hospitality, inexpensive and comfortable hotels - Montenegro is gaining more and more popularity in the European tourist market every year. This is also facilitated by the country's cuisine, in which different directions of gastronomic culture traditionally blended in the Balkan style in a colorful cauldron. Montenegrin drinks are made from local raw materials, and the history of their production goes back many centuries.

Alcohol Montenegro

Guests can bring into Montenegro no more than a liter of spirits and no more than two - wines and low-alcohol drinks. Alcohol prices in Montenegro allow you to buy and order local drinks without compromising the budget, and therefore the best option is to purchase them directly at the resort. For 2-4 euros (price for 2014) you can buy a bottle of excellent wine from a local winery, a strong drink like rakia or krunak will cost a little more. A half-liter mug of local beer in a restaurant will cost from 1 to 2 euros, depending on the class and location of the institution.

National drink of Montenegro

Among the abundance of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks offered by Montenegrins to guests, local beer stands out. It is called Niksichko and is positioned as the national drink of Montenegro. Back in 1896, with the support of King Nikola himself, the first brewery was opened in the town of Niksic, and since then a glass of draft local beer is a great occasion to chat with a friend, discuss political realities or just relax under the shade of trees in a street cafe.

Today the brewery is bottling the national drink of Montenegro in glass and tin containers and produces four types of foamy drink. Niksichko beer has won your awards at international fairs and exhibitions and is exported today to many European countries and even Canada.

Alcoholic drinks of Montenegro

The international wine market is not spoiled by the Montenegrin product, but connoisseurs notice that local wines could well compete with many with proper marketing organization. The visiting card of the wine industry in Montenegro is Vranac wine, the astringency, aroma and color of which are unforgettable and are liked by the absolute majority of tourists.

Alcoholic drinks of Montenegro are also represented by an impressive assortment of spirits, the most common types of which are Lozovac grape moonshine and its distilled product - Rakia vodka. For the production of the latter, plums and pears are also used, and the final product is infused with herbs.
