Prices in Hungary

Prices in Hungary
Prices in Hungary
photo: Prices in Hungary
photo: Prices in Hungary

Prices in Hungary are lower than the average in Europe.

Shopping and souvenirs

Arriving in Hungary, you will be pleased with reasonable prices for high-quality clothing and footwear from world manufacturers (prices are lower here than in Russia). Ideal time for shopping: late-January - early March and August-October: during this time you can buy well-known brands with a 50% discount.

You can pay for purchases in cash or bank cards (Visa, MasterCard).

What to bring from Hungary

  • wooden dolls, dressed in national clothes, ceramic, crystal and porcelain products, Rubik's cube;
  • salami, marzipan figurines, paprika, Hungarian wines, fruit vodka (palinka), Unicum herbal balsam.

In Hungary, you can buy marzipan sweets - from 3 euros, paprika - from 3 euros, salami - from 4, 7 euros, Tokay wines - from 8 euros, Unicum balsam - from 11 euros, Rubik's Cube - from 2, 2 euros, porcelain vases or figurines - 20-30 euros.


On a bus tour of Vienna, you will see St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Houses of Parliament, the Town Hall, the Fisherman's Bastion. This tour costs about 55 euros.

For entertainment, you can take an evening cruise along the Danube on the Legend ship to admire Budapest at night and the views from the main river in Europe. The approximate cost of entertainment, lasting 1 hour - 15 euros.

You can have a great time in one of the restaurants in Budapest, where, in addition to dinner (Hungarian cuisine), you will be offered to listen to a folklore program (folk music). The approximate cost is 35 euros.

If you wish, you can go to Tihany Island by boat (cost of entertainment + visit to the abbey - 10 euros); ride on Lake Balaton on a yacht (price - 14 euros); visit the Shumeg fortress (“knightly tournament” + “medieval dinner” costs about 40 euros).


For 1 metro ride you will pay 0, 9 euros (the ticket gives you the right to travel 3 stops within half an hour). A bus, tram and trolleybus ticket will cost you 1, 1-1, 4 euros. But it is more convenient to purchase discount tickets - they are valid for 7 days and cost about 10 euros (with such a ticket, you can travel on any type of public transport an unlimited number of times). As for taxis, they all work according to the meter: 1, 2 euros (landing) + 1 euros (for each kilometer of the way).

If you live in a hostel or rent a room from private individuals, eat in inexpensive cafes, travel by public transport, your minimum cost on holidays in Hungary will be 50-60 euros per person. But for a more comfortable stay, it is advisable to calculate a budget that is 2 times higher than the minimum cost.
