The cuisine in Australia is characterized by the fact that Asian dishes are widespread here, so they often serve either almost raw or processed products that are completely unrecognizable.
In Australia, you can taste exotic fruits and delicacies such as blue crab, possum fillets, crocodile meat, shark lips.
Food in Australia
The diet of Australians is made up of fruits, vegetables, meat (chicken, lamb, pork, beef, lamb, kangaroo meat, crocodile meat), fish, seafood (oysters, scallops, mussels, lobsters, shrimps, crabs, octopuses), dairy products (cheese, eggs).
In Australia, it is worth trying chiko roll (egg roll stuffed with lamb, rice, barley and vegetables), kangaroo steaks with mushrooms, vegemite (pasta based on yeast extract, onions and celery), lamington (biscuit biscuits covered with coconut and chocolate).
If you are as much a meat lover as the Australians, you will not only find a wide selection of meat dishes in restaurants, but you can also grill meat yourself (there are electric barbecues in any parking lot).
Where to eat in Australia? At your service:
- cafes and restaurants where you can order dishes of European and other world cuisines;
- restaurants specializing in a particular cuisine (Italian, Greek, Thai);
- fast food restaurants (international chains - Subway, KFC, McDonalds, Burger King, local chain - Red Rooster);
- pubs (here you can not only taste different types of beer, but also order entrecote, seafood, fried potatoes, sausages, barbecue, salads).
Drinks in Australia
Popular Australian drinks include tea, coffee, milk, fruit juices, beer, wine, and Australian dark rum.
Beer lovers should try brands such as VB, Fosters, Coopers, Tooheys, Four XXXX, and wine lovers - Wolf Blass, Hardy’s, Yalumba, Lindeman’s.
Food tour to Australia
If you go on a food tour in Australia, you can visit the restaurants with outdoor terraces and enjoy the finest food and world-class wines. If you wish, you can arrange for dinner in Sydney Harbor in a gourmet restaurant, café or on board the ship overlooking the harbor.
Australia often hosts food and wine festivals. For example, when you come to the Seafood Festival, you can taste dishes made from seafood, and you can taste different types of wines by going to the Wine Cellar festival.
Since most wineries in Australia are located close to major cities that offer behind-the-scenes tours, you will have the opportunity to experience first-class restaurants and wine grading lessons with tastings.
Arriving in Australia, you will spend an unforgettable vacation on this distant continent.