Luxembourg has a population of over 500,000.
The ancestors of modern inhabitants lived on the territory of Luxembourg - these lands were inhabited by Celts, Germanic tribes and Franks.
National composition:
- Luxembourgers;
- other peoples (Germans, Belgians, French, Portuguese, Italians).
156 people live per 1 sq. Km, but the most densely populated are the southern and south-western regions of the country (population density - 600-1000 people per 1 sq. Km), and the least populated are the northern regions (population density - 30-40 people per 1 sq. Km). sq. km).
The official languages are German and French, but English is also widespread.
Major cities: Luxembourg, Differdange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Dudelange, Petange, Diekirch, Mersch, Ettelbrück.
Almost all residents of Luxembourg (97%) profess Catholicism, but there are also adherents of Protestantism, Judaism and Islam among believers.
Life span
On average, the female population lives up to 80, and the male population up to 73 years. But despite the high rates, Luxembourgers drink and smoke a lot, and also have problems with being overweight.
The state of Luxembourg deducts more than $ 4,700 per year for health care per person. Luxembourg is famous for its developed social security and free medical care on an insurance basis. Emergency medical care is excellently established in Luxembourg - it is represented by the Air Rescue Service, which has 4 helicopters and 2 aircraft.
Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Luxembourg
Luxembourgers are polite and correct people who prefer home gatherings to going out into the world.
The favorite holiday of local residents is Easter: it is accompanied by an interesting celebration (Emeshen) with a large-scale gastronomic fair, which is held at the Fish Market (here you can buy fresh pastries, seafood, sweets, souvenirs and home decorations).
The inhabitants of the duchy are wary of innovations, because they do not like it when something disrupts their established life, so here the arrival of new civilizations occurs much later than in other countries.
Locals love sports - many of them regularly attend sporting events. But even those who don't go to stadiums are regulars at sports bars.
Have you decided to go to Luxembourg?
- Be polite and respectful towards local residents (awkward or dismissive behavior can greatly offend townspeople);
- try not to be noisy and cheeky in public places, and also do not be late for meetings;
- Religion and culture should not be discussed with Luxembourgers: the best topics for conversation are sports, art, literature.