Population of Hong Kong

Population of Hong Kong
Population of Hong Kong
photo: Population of Hong Kong
photo: Population of Hong Kong

The population of Hong Kong is over 7 million.

Once upon a time, modern Hong Kong was the site of ancient settlements dating back to the Paleolithic period. These territories were annexed to China during the Qin dynasty, and the region became a naval base and trading port when the Tang and Song dynasties were ruling. As for the Europeans, they first arrived in Hong Kong in 1513.

National composition:

  • Chinese (Cantonese, Hakka, Chaozhou) - 95%;
  • other nationalities (Nepalese, Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, British, Americans, Portuguese, Japanese).

Over 6,000 people live on 1 sq. Km. The majority of Hong Kong residents inhabit the extremely densely populated center of Kowloon and the northern regions of Hong Kong Island.

Official languages are Chinese and English (80% of Hong Kong's population speaks South Chinese Cantonese).

The inhabitants of Hong Kong profess Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism.

Life span

Inhabitants of Hong Kong live on average up to 81 years (female population lives up to 84, and male population lives up to 78 years). The high rates are due to the fact that the local population prefers a healthy diet - the diet contains fish, vegetables, noodles and rice. In addition, they do not gorge themselves - they leave the table feeling 80% full.

Perhaps due to this, among the residents of Hong Kong, there is a low level of obesity - only 3%. In addition, they try to walk more whenever possible, rather than travel by car. People in Hong Kong rarely experience cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Health care in Hong Kong is at the European level, but it is advisable to take out health insurance and get vaccinated against polio and typhoid before the trip.

Traditions and customs of the people of Hong Kong

Local residents have a special attitude towards people with a good education and a prestigious profession, and they consider teachers to be the wisest people.

The indigenous people of Hong Kong are conservative people, so they find it difficult to adapt to innovations and still honor the traditions of their ancestors. They are distinguished by superstition: they believe in fate, study numerology, and they may well blame evil spirits for troubles and misfortunes (in almost every house there are talismans and charms that attract good luck).

Hong Kong people love holidays, fairs and festivals: the most favorite are the Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Water Festival.

If you are in Hong Kong and you are invited to visit, take a gift for the owners of the house with you (do not give an odd number of gifts) and sweets for their children, and you must hand over the gift with both hands.
