According to some foreign studies, renting a car in Russia for foreigners is almost the most expensive. Perhaps these are echoes of those years when the car was only in words considered a means of transportation, however, especially, judging by its value, was attributed to luxury goods. However, tourists, who have a fairly tolerable standard of living, have nothing to fear: the conditions for renting a car are copied from European ones.
Car rental in Russia is like two drops of water similar to the one that exists in many European countries. A wide selection of car models is also offered, similarly, the range of prices for rental services is also huge. When registering a car, you need to ask whether the insurance will be included in the rental price. Find out what you can give as a deposit for a car. If you find yourself in a small rental company, then do not get fooled by the offer to leave a valuable item, documents, etc. as collateral. It is better if the collateral is monetary, and an appropriate receipt will be issued for this. If the rental receipt is not issued, then without giving the deposit, refuse and find another rental company. Otherwise, hard-earned money may not be returned to you when you return the car. Or not the entire amount will be returned.
Features of car rental
You can rent a car in Russia if you are already 21 years old (but, as in many European countries, only those people who are at least 25 years old are allowed to rent more solid cars). And the requirements for driving experience are also not much different - it must be at least 1 year.
Alas, in Russia there are restrictions on mileage. Of course, you can drive a rented car to Belarus or the Baltic countries, but you will have to fork out for excess mileage. But what to do: the country is the largest in the world, and without even leaving its borders, you can “wind” many kilometers.
But all companies that rent out cars have their own Internet resources, where you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions on which you can rent a car. Therefore, without leaving your home, you can choose the best option.
Insurance is usually offered for all cars. But if you are "lucky" to get into an accident, then not all options can be covered by insurance. At least on your part there should be no gross violation of traffic rules, including drunk driving. It is also not worth hiding from the scene of the accident, because in all the aforementioned situations, the deposit for the car will not be returned to you. If your fault in the accident is not, and you stay on the spot to wait for the police and the commissioner, then there is a high probability that the costs of the rental company will be covered by the insurer.