Tourist interest in Serbia, and indeed in the Balkan countries in general, is growing. After all, there are excellent roads and reasonable prices. Here you can spend a wonderful vacation. To do this, you can consider such an opportunity as bus tours to Serbia. The Balkan countries are generally rich in the cultural heritage of not one people, but several who have lived here for centuries. Wonderful nature with a moderate continental climate pleasant for us, as well as the Slavic language understandable to many, contributes to an increase in interest in such tours. But for most of us, the most important thing is the warmth and hospitality of people, their sincere attitude towards Russia. The cuisine here is also excellent, despite the fact that it is inexpensive. But it is a reflection of a mixture of traditions of the East and West. Serbia is almost the ideal place to go by bus.
The capital of the country is Belgrade. It was once the capital of Yugoslavia. This city stands at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, as if it is between the past and the future. That only the medieval fortress Kalemegdan is worth, especially if you will be told its intriguing history connected with the borders of East and West.
At the same time, there are numerous cafes and fantastic nightlife. Belgrade will surprise everyone. If you are interested in history, then from local guides you can learn a lot about the life of such famous personalities as the inventor Nikola Tesla or the leader of Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito.
Popular places in Serbia
Serbia has a rich religious heritage. Serbian monasteries to this day occupy an active and important position in the spiritual life of the people.
Without a hike to the Danube River, a tour of Serbia will be incomplete. Literally the entire history of the country is connected with the Danube. It is an impressively beautiful river, and you will have to transfer from the bus to a small boat to appreciate this waterway.
It is impossible not to visit the powerful fortification of the Serbs - the Golubac fortress. This is where the spirit of the Middle Ages reigns!
Also go to Vojvodina. This semi-autonomous region has always been more under the influence of Austria-Hungary than the Ottoman Empire, which ruled in the more southern parts of Serbia. And Western influence is clearly reflected in architecture. Here are the magnificent cities of Novi Sad and Subotica, which are more reminiscent of Central European rather than Turkish.