The number of foreign students who prefer to study in Saudi Arabia is growing every year, and all this is thanks to successful and well-equipped universities (with the support of the state, they are constantly being renovated and equipped). Teachers from other countries also aspire to the country: scholarships and grants act as motivation.
Highly qualified students and teachers can take part in the inbreeding program. Its essence: Universities during the academic year select gifted girls and boys to participate in the competition, who will subsequently be able to receive a grant to study and work abroad.
What are the benefits of studying in Saudi Arabia?
- Opportunity to study according to special programs that are developed for foreign students;
- Opportunity to acquire knowledge in English (this is especially true for training in technical specialties, for example, “mechanical engineering”);
- Opportunity to study under master's programs in Islamic studies, science, technology, art, medicine, agriculture, computer science.
Higher education in Saudi Arabia
Higher education is offered by public universities, colleges, technical schools, and private universities and colleges. Upon entering a Saudi university, international students receive the same benefits as local citizens: they can apply for a residence permit; carry out paid trips home and back every year; receive a monthly stipend, free medical care; have discounts on food.
Among Russian students, the Islamic University named after Imam Mohammad Ben Saud is very popular (you can study here for free, and 10% of students are female) and the Islamic University in the city of Medina (education here is paid and only men can enter here).
To enter a university in Saudi Arabia, a prospective student (no more than 25 years old) must complete a complete secondary education and tune in to devote all his time to study (he does not have to work).
Those who enter the King Saud University must be proficient in the Arabic language: those who are poorly or not at all familiar with the language can enter the language department at the Institute of Arabic Language and Culture (training will take 2 years).
Education in universities begins in September and ends in December. At the end of 1 semester, students take exams, after which classes begin in the second semester - from early February to early May.
International students can take advantage of excellent postgraduate opportunities: graduates with a master's degree in finance, oil and gas, education, healthcare, construction and telecommunications will have a chance to successfully find a job.