Description of the attraction
The Military History Museum of the Pacific Fleet in Vladivostok is the key museum of the city, whose history is directly related to the history of the fleet. The opening of the Pacific Fleet Museum took place in 1950. Initially, it was housed in the building of the Lutheran Church. Currently, the museum's expositions are located in an old building on the main street of the city, which is a historical and architectural monument. It was built in 1903 to house the officers of the Siberian naval crew. The author of this project was the famous architect I. Seestrandt.
The building, made in the traditions of "strict" classicism, is part of a single architectural ensemble of the so-called officers' wings on Svetlanskaya Street. The facade of the museum building has a symmetrical three-part composition and a number of decorative elements: friezes, window frames, figured attics and triangular pediments. 1980-1990 the building housed various institutions of the Pacific Fleet. In 1997, it was transferred to the Military History Museum of the Pacific Fleet.
Today, in the eleven halls of the museum, there are over 40 thousand amazing exhibits that tell visitors about the history of the Pacific Fleet from the time of Peter I to the present day. Among the valuable artifacts in the museum you can see - weapons, old awards, things of Russian sailors. Also in the museum are: medical instruments of the period of the Russian-Japanese war, nautical watercolors, an original collection of ship models, etc. Since its foundation, the collection of the Military Historical Museum has not ceased to be replenished.
Branches of the museum are also dedicated to separate historical episodes of the Pacific Fleet, namely the S-56 submarine and the Red Pennant memorial ship on Korabelnaya Embankment, as well as the Voroshilovskaya Battery located on the Russky Island.
In the halls of the museum, history lessons and various thematic evenings are constantly held using the unique exhibits of the museum.