Description of the attraction
The monument to Vseslav Bryacheslavich Polotsk was erected in the center of his hometown of Polotsk in 2007. The authors of the monument were sculptors A. Prokhorov, S. Ignatiev, L. Minkevich, architect D. Sokolov. This is the first equestrian monument on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
The epic prince Vseslav was called the Prophetic, the Sorcerer and the Sorcerer, attributing to him such qualities as the ability to transform into a falcon, a golden-horned deer or a wolf.
Legends describe the appearance of the prince in different ways. Some say that his mother gave birth to him as a result of sorcery, and the birth was taken by the wise men, who prophesied him a long life, reign, and many glorious deeds. Other legends claim that Vseslav allegedly had a birthmark on his head, which the Magi advised him to cover with a rag. Still others - that he was born in a shirt and always carried part of this shirt with him as a talisman.
Vseslav Bryacheslavich is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years", in the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" and folk legends, where he acts as a hero, a sorcerer and a werewolf.
The prince, born around 1029, ruled in Polotsk for an unusually long time - 57 years. Considering that the duration of human life in the 11th century was shorter than that of our contemporaries, this is an impressive period of reign.
For all his witchcraft glory, Vseslav acts as an ardent champion of Orthodoxy. Under him they build the St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk, he also protects the Orthodox clergy in every possible way and builds other churches.