Description of the attraction
One of the most popular places in the city of Volkhov, located in the Leningrad Region, is the Museum of the History of the City, which is a favorite place not only for residents, but also for guests of this settlement. The museum is located at the address: October Embankment, 27.
The museum is located in the house of academician Graftio Heinrich Osipovich. As you know, Genrikh Osipovich was the author of the project and the chief manager of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station. A rather old house of an outstanding Soviet power engineer and engineer was built in the period from 1923 to 1924. The house was intended for special receptions of the commissions, which often came in connection with the construction of hydroelectric power plants. The office of the Soviet academician was on the first floor, which also contained two guest rooms; on the second floor there was a spacious bedroom intended for him and his wife Antonina Adamovna, who was at one time his personal secretary. The museum hosted receptions for various government delegations, famous writers or poets. In the largest room, meetings were held on business issues.
After the construction of the hydroelectric power station was completed, the house changed its owners more than once.
During the Great Patriotic War, and also for some time after it, the military committee of the city of Volkhov was located in the house. During the 1960s, the House of Schoolchildren and Pioneers was established in the house. Today the house of the Russian academician Graftio is a historical monument of federal importance.
The opening of the Museum of the History of the City took place in the fall of October 3, 1969. All social forces of the city were thrown into the creation of the museum. Members of the cultural department of the Volkhov City Council were the first to take the initiative to create the museum. Later, the people's museum, created at the City Executive Committee, joined them, and then local residents enthusiastically supported this idea. The residents of the city itself took the most active part in collecting the necessary information, among whom it is worth noting Mokshanov M. G., Korchagin P. D., Taimenev G. S., Elkina V. I., Mogutov I. Ya., Syakova Yu. A., Andrianova T. P. and many others.
The basis of the exposition of the Museum of the History of the City was made up of photographs and various documents relating to the period of construction of the Volkhov Hydroelectric Power Station. There are also photographs and original documents from the period of the Great Patriotic War, the archive of the engineer and power engineer Graftio, as well as a lot of material concerning the modern city of Volkhov. The museum funds number about 11 thousand items.
The museum exposition opens with materials and documents telling about a small village of railway workers called Zvanka - this is the most densely populated point that existed at the time of the formation and formation of the city of Volkhov in 1933. The historical development of the city can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1904, when the construction of a railway line connecting Vologda and St. Petersburg was carried out. This section reflects in the most detail the most significant periods of the Volkhov's development.
As part of the museum exposition, a pictorial collection of works belonging to Alexander Gailis, a talented Volkhov artist, is exhibited. As you know, Volkhov is especially famous for its wood painting, which cannot be compared with anything and in which the symbols of the three natural elements - heaven, earth and fire - are clearly expressed. The blue part is responsible for water, and the red part is for fire. You can get acquainted with the works of the master in the Museum of the History of the city of Volkhov by visiting an exhibition of his products.