Description of the attraction
The youngest and most modern temple complex in Tolyatti from an engineering point of view is located in the Avtozavodsky district. The construction of the complex took six and a half years, and in August 2002 (on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord) the archbishop consecrated the long-awaited temple. During this time, it was built: the baptismal church of St. John the Baptist, the administrative building (house of the clergyman) and the Transfiguration Cathedral. The author of the project is the Moscow architect D. S. Sokolov. The area, second in size only to the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, occupied by the Transfiguration Cathedral is almost three thousand square meters, which can simultaneously accommodate more than three thousand people. The height of the golden-domed temple is 62 meters along the main cross.
Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, made in the old Russian style with domed turrets and carved oak doors, is equipped with modern communications. The temple is equipped with a radio broadcast and a lighting device for the facade of the building, a ventilation system, burglar and fire alarms are working. In addition to the main altar in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the cathedral will include the northern altar dedicated to the memory of the 40 Martyrs of Sebastia, the southern altar - Nicholas the Wonderworker, the western vestibule, the choir, the basement, as well as the northern and southern porch. The central iconostasis near the altar is 15 meters high, and the temple is illuminated by thirteen chandeliers, one of which is about 10 meters high and consists of seven tiers.
A Sunday school is open in the clergy's house, there is a library with a reading room, there are specialized rooms: a refectory and a choir room.
In a short time, the Transfiguration Cathedral became the main attraction of the Orthodox Togliatti.