Holy Trinity Cathedral description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk

Holy Trinity Cathedral description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk
Holy Trinity Cathedral description and photo - Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Holy Trinity Cathedral

Description of the attraction

Holy Trinity Cathedral - the main church of Dnepropetrovsk - in 2010 celebrated 165 years. It was erected on the site of the first church in the city. A small wooden church, consecrated in January 1791, fell into disrepair in forty years, and the city merchants turned with a request to the famous Petersburg architects - the court architect Ludwig Ivanovich Charlemagne-Bode and Peter Ivanovich Visconti, who had designed the Assumption Church in their time. In 1837 the site for a new church was consecrated. In the 60s of the 19th century, in front of the church, according to the project of a local architect, a huge stone bell tower was erected. Later, a connecting chapel was erected between the temple and the bell tower, thanks to which the area of the church almost doubled. Later, the House of Parable was built, as well as a parish school.

Large-scale renovations were carried out in the church at the beginning of the 20th century. In the mid-30s, the temple was turned into a warehouse, but in the early 40s it reopened its doors to parishioners. The second half of the 20th century is marked by the restoration work in the temple, which in our time has acquired a special scope. An impressive restoration of both the internal and external decoration of the temple, as well as the surrounding territory, is taking place.

In the cathedral you can worship the icon of the Holy Trinity; the icon "Weeping Savior"; icon of the Mother of God "Iverskaya", "Kazan", "It is worthy", "Samara". There are reliquary crosses with particles of the relics of Orthodox saints. Services are held in the cathedral every day. The special atmosphere of solemnity and serenity that prevails in the church attracts an increasing number of parishioners here, especially during major religious holidays.

