Description of the attraction
In St. Petersburg, at the intersection of Stavropolskaya, Shpalernaya streets and Tavrichesky lane, there is a building called the Kikiny chambers. This is a striking example of architecture in the style of the Petrine Baroque, which is the property of the city and is included in the list of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.
Kikiny Chambers is one of the oldest buildings in the city on the Neva, which was built from 1714 to 1720. The mansion got its name from the name of the closest adviser to Peter I, his friend and colleague Alexander Vasilyevich Kikin, who was the first owner of the chambers.
Alexander Kikin began his career at the court of Peter I as an orderly for the sovereign. He accompanied him on the Azov campaign. Having shown a penchant for the exact sciences, he was sent to study in Holland. In 1708, Alexander Kikin became the head of the St. Petersburg Admiralty. 4 years later, he was promoted to the rank of Admiralty Councilor.
The fate of Alexander Vasilyevich Kikin, who made a dizzying career, developed up to a certain point very successfully. Over time, he became so rich that he was able to build an impressive house, more like a palace. It is believed that Kikin entrusted the development of the project of the chambers to the famous architect Domenico Trezzini. However, despite the goodwill of Peter (and perhaps because of this), Kikin did not develop a relationship with His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Menshikov. Gradually, enmity grew into real enmity. In the conflict between Tsar Peter I and his son Tsarevich Alexei, Alexander Kikin took the side of the heir to the throne and helped him escape abroad. This story for the Admiralty adviser ended tragically - by order of Peter, he was arrested in March 1718 and soon executed.
The chambers at that time were not yet completed. All of Kikin's property and the unfinished mansion were confiscated in favor of the royal treasury. The chambers housed a museum of curiosities and rarities - the Kunstkamera and the personal library of Tsar Peter I, which later became the basis for the richest library of the Academy of Sciences. The Kunstkamera collection remained in Kikin's chambers until 1727. When there were too many exhibits, they were transported to Vasilievsky Island.
The first reconstruction of Kikin's chambers began in 1714. It is believed that the author of the project was A. Schlüter. The entire building was originally one-story. After the restructuring, the side wings became two-story. The facade on the first floor was decorated with single pilasters, and on the second floor - with paired ones. The facade windows towards the Neva were decorated with platbands with intricate figured molding.
In 1733, part of the building was given to the military department, namely the Horse Guards, located nearby. An infirmary and an office were set up in the building. The regimental church was consecrated in the large hall. The bell tower was built according to the project of F. Rastrelli.
In the 19th century, the Kikiny chambers were seriously reconstructed and almost completely lost their original appearance. The superstructure made by Rastrelli was demolished, the pilasters were destroyed, and the walls were simply plastered, 2 rooms were added to the building from the side of the Neva.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Kikiny Chambers were significantly damaged by fires and artillery shelling. The smooth plaster was crumbling, revealing traces of the original wall decoration. After the war, according to the project of the architect I. N. Benois began to restore the facade of Peter the Great's times. The late extensions were dismantled, the front pilasters were restored, gables were installed on the side projections.
As for the internal layout, it is similar to the central part of the Great Peterhof Palace.
Since the end of the 70s of the last century, the Children's Music School No. 12 was located in the Kikin Chambers. In 1995 it was reformed into a music lyceum.