Description of the attraction
In the Vyborg district, not far from the villages of Ozerskoye and Balakhanovo, there is the State Nature Reserve "Lake Melkovodnoye", which occupies an area of about 4000 hectares, of which more than 1000 hectares are occupied by water resources.
The reserve was founded in 1976. It is a subject of regional significance. To get to the reserve by rail, you need to get from the Losevo station by car through the villages of Novaya Derevnya and Romashki to the left bank of the river. Vuoksa. The reserve is located nearby.
The main goal of the reserve is to preserve the places of annual nesting of waterfowl in their original form.
The reserve is located in the south of the Baltic crystalline shield and includes lakes Lugovoye and Melkovodnoye with the adjacent water areas. Both lakes and their tributaries are connected and belong to the Vuoksa system. The lakes are shallow, on their territory there are small islands and ludas, the base of which are huge boulders. The surface of the lakes has rafts from wild cinquefoil. Manna, horsetail, water lilies, reeds, egg capsules, cattail, and telorez grow here. The coastal flora consists mainly of small-leaved woodland and pine groves in the hills. Juniper, bird cherry, honeysuckle, mountain ash grow in the undergrowth. In the lowlands there are birch and alder groves. There are depleted meadows on the territory, where you can often find forest kupyr.
Since the lakeside and lake areas are rich in food, flocks of waterfowl are located here during spring and autumn migrations. Here on the nesting site you can find whooper swans and small swans, almost any species of river ducks, crested ducks and sea ducks, flocks of gogols, red-headed ducklings, coots, reeds, numerous clusters of near-water passerines, waders. Annual populations of river ducks, coots, gogols, and crested ducks are especially numerous in the reserve. It is not uncommon to see colonies of gull species of birds on the lakes, among which there are gray and black-headed gulls, black and river terns. Frequent "guests" of lakes and lakeside areas are water shepherds, ratchet, corncrake, herbalist, moorhen, and handguards. Shallow and Lugovoye lakes are a favorite hunting ground for osprey, whose nests are located in the forests near the lakes.
Muskrat, American mink, river beaver and water vole are common inhabitants of the area. Elk and wild boar families can be found on the shores of the lakes.
Specially protected objects in the reserve include bird colonies at nesting sites, feeding places for birds during seasonal migrations, bream, pike perch, burbot, roach spawning grounds. The state protected plants listed in the Red Book, rare plants and representatives of the fauna, such as osprey living here, small egg-pod, corncrake, hand-warp, water shepherd, carrion, big bittern, gray crane, all types of birds of prey, owls, swans (mute, small), white-fronted goose and gray goose, black goose, barnacle geese, red-eyed and white-eyed duck, large and medium curlew, great snipe.
On the territory of the Lake Melkovodnoye nature reserve, it is strictly forbidden to use vehicles outside of the road and near lakes, grazing livestock from nearby peasants and farms, the use of motor boats, visiting lake islands, reed thickets, rafting, starting from April 1 to July 15, any types of game hunting, the use of snares or traps, baits with poison, making fires, lowering burns, using pesticides or pesticides for any purpose, mowing grass (until July 6), fishing outside the designated areas, which are located in the south of the Shallow Lake … Under the ban - tourist sites, settling on the islands and on the shores of lakes, bivouacs. In addition, it is forbidden to enter the territory of the reserve with dogs of any breed (from April 1 to July 15).
Description added:
No kolay 2015-06-07
Fishing on the lake. Shallow-Lugovoe, prohibited all year round !!! even a bait !!! Clause 27 of the last rules for fishing in the NW.
| All reviews 0 Masnik S. E. 27.11.2017 15:34:03
The old days … I went to Shallow water since 1979. Then, every spring, groups were organized to protect the grounds during the fish spawning period (KVO-56 from the Naval Academy). A base was built on its own on a channel between Lugovoye and Melkovodnoye lakes. In the summer they came to rest. Fishing only with a line …
0 Alexander 2017-03-08 14:29:49
Yes, there were years For more than 20 years he came to Melkovodnoye. Wonderful place! Before "perestroika" this lake during the spawning period, and not only during this period, was guarded by the students of the Naval Academy. And there was order. We did not catch with nets, we did not run on motors, we did not set nets, we chopped breathing holes in winter, etc. There were fishermen or hunters …
0 vadim kreator 2013-14-05 7:42:15 AM
Lake Shallow In the 90s, I visited this beautiful lake many times, virgin nature, excellent fishing. At night fishing, your boat is "attacked" by beavers, guarding their homes, in the fall, a sea of mushrooms, both on the islands and on the mainland. I advise everyone to visit this most beautiful Lake.