Description of the attraction
Pushkin Park, with an area of 20 hectares, was founded in Kiev more than a hundred years ago. Back in 1899, the idea was expressed to join the city of a site near the Brest-Litovsk highway in order to equip a country park there. Since the celebration of the centenary of the birth of A. Pushkin was approaching, it was proposed to name the park in honor of the famous poet.
In 1901, the main gardener of Kiev carried out work to develop the layout of the park, and after that the construction itself began. This is how playgrounds for sports, playgrounds, gazebos, a pastry shop, a buffet, fountains, an administrative building, a well, etc. appeared here. The first planting of trees in the park was carried out in 1902, on the occasion of which a grand celebration was organized. Almost all the trees (and this is about 2000 specimens) were planted by children specially brought here by trams.
The park fulfilled its function for a long time, but from time to time adjustments were made to its work. So, in the post-war period, an exhibition of captured German equipment was located here, until in the 60s it was sent to be melted down.
The monument to Pushkin that adorns the entrance to the park today appeared here only in 1962. The monument was designed by the architect Gnezdilov and the sculptor Kovalev. The poet's figure was cast in bronze and placed on a pedestal made of black labradorite. The height of the monument with a pedestal is approximately 14 meters.
After the exhibition of trophy equipment was removed from the park, a lot of space was freed up here, which in the 60-70s was built up with a concert and dance hall, a summer cinema, a sports complex and a cafe. Thanks to this, it was not only possible to have a good time here - the old-timers remember that on weekends there was often an illegal sale of foreign records.