Description of the attraction
The Zhytomyr Fire Department is located in a fire tower built in 94 in the 19th century. The tower is still in operation and has the status of an architectural monument of local importance. The museum presents the history of the development of the fire extinguishing system and fire fighting equipment, demonstrates films explaining the causes of fires.
At the beginning of the 20th century, about fifty fires occurred in Zhitomir per year on average, the losses from which amounted to tens of thousands of rubles. The first fire brigade appeared in Zhitomir in the 70s of the 19th century. It numbered fifty at that time. At that time, unfortunately, firefighters sometimes simply lacked the capacity to fight the fire. The absence in the city of the most important attribute of the fire department - the watchtower - also affected.
In 94 of the 19th century, the city's fire brigade was divided into two parts. One was located on Bazarnaya Street, in a specially acquired estate for this occasion, the second - on Ilarionovskaya Street, in an estate owned by the fire master Zlotorovich, who had been at the head of the city fire brigade for more than 30 years. In 95 of the 19th century, a tower was erected on Bazarnaya Street, which serves as a firefighter to this day. Later, a third fire station was organized in the city, which was located on Malevanka. But, as they say, sometimes a shoemaker is without boots. At the beginning of the last century, the fire department building on Malevanka burned down …