City Park (Grazer Stadtpark) description and photos - Austria: Graz

City Park (Grazer Stadtpark) description and photos - Austria: Graz
City Park (Grazer Stadtpark) description and photos - Austria: Graz
City Park
City Park

Description of the attraction

Graz City Park is the largest public park in the city. It was founded in 1869 under the mayor of Moritz von Franco. The reason for the organization of the park was the transfer of the former military lands to the municipality of the city. The park was opened in 1873 with the financial assistance of the "Association for the Improvement of the City of Graz", which Moritz von Franco opened and was its chairman even after his retirement from urban politics.

The park was created in the style of an English garden; rare and exotic trees were planted in the front of the park area. Old cast iron lanterns were converted from gas to electrical equipment in the 1970s. For the convenience of visitors, 600 beautiful metal benches were installed in the park.

The central place in the park is occupied by the fountain of Emperor Franz Joseph, presented to the city public in October 1894. The fountain is surrounded by many monuments and statues. Statues of the writer Anastasius Grün, astronomer Johannes Kepler, the founder of the park Mayor Moritz von Frank, playwright Schiller and writer Robert Hamerling are installed here.

In 1981, bicycle paths for outdoor enthusiasts appeared in the park. At the end of the 50s of the 20th century, creative people began to gather near the central fountain. As a result, a cafe was created, called the Forum of the City Park.

Currently, the city park is a favorite place for recreation and meetings of city residents.

